Chapter Eighteen

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I reach the lab just in time, placing my belongings on the table, Meg wasn't here, maybe she's running late. The girl next to me has jet black hair, she obviously dyed it herself cos you can see her natural blonde hair peeking out from underneath the layer of black hair, she is playing with one of the many piercings on her ear. She looks weird, from memory I think she was one of the girls in detention with me and from memory her name was Bella, I think.

The professor walks into the classroom, grabbing the attention of the irresponsible punks doing god knows what under the table.

"Today you will be paired up and create a thorough PowerPoint presentation on the cycle of liquid, solids and gases" The teacher explains, he grabs the white chalk to his right and starts writing up pairs on the blackboard. I wait patiently for my name and partners name to be written, it's me and...... and..... oh my god how long does it take this teacher to write a name!! Me and Bessie, who is Bessie?! I hear a grunt beside me guessing that must be my new partner. I swivel my body to face her,

"Look neither of us want to be together or do this project, so let's just stay out of each other's way and get the project done quickly" I say firmly

"Who do you actually think you are, coming to sit next to me then giving me a chat on what I have to do, that's not how it works" Bessie said coldly, geez this isn't gonna be fun

"Then how does it work huh?" I finish, proud of my remark

"You do the work, I take credit" She says

"Excuse me?!" I shout a bit too loud, earning some stares

"Is there a problem with that? Well I'm sorry but you can't walk your fat Aussie butt in here and start telling people what to do? Got it?" She yells

"Take that back right now!!" I say through my gritted teeth

"Hell no" She replies smugly.

That's it. I jump off my chair and push Bessie to the ground, we both start screaming and pulling each other's hair and slapping each other, I give her hair a big yank before I get interupted

"IM SO SORRY THAT IM LATE MRS- OMG WHAT HAPPENED?!' Meg is standing at the door staring at the sleeping science teacher and us two girls on the ground. As I get up I notice the black hair extension in my hand

"You might want this back" I say smartly

She huffs, snatches the extension out of my hand and walks out of the lab. From the slam of the door, the teacher wakes in her chair

"What are you girls doing out of your seat?" The teacher asks obviously sleeping through mine and Bessie's fight,

"Sorry Mrs" we both sit back down and complete the work

The rest of the day goes fine until I get greeted by the receptionist, Mrs Rachael to go to the Principles Office, crap. When the Principle steps out of his office and guides me inside I take a seat on the hard wooden chair.

"Ms Harris I believe you attacked someone this morning in you first class"

First of all I did not attack her, I just slapped her a few times and yanked at her cheap hair extensions? That's not attacking someone, I think to myself.

"Is this true" The man asks

I nod

"Well then we don't take any tolerance at this school for attacks while class time, I have no option but to suspend you for a week"

"A week!!" I shout a tad bit too loudly at the principle

"I will see you in seven days Ms Harris, you are excused" I get off my seat and stomp towards the door of the office, I stomp all the way to the front yard of the school, when I reach a bench I sit down to call someone to pick me up. I call Louis, no answer, Harry, no answer, Liam, no answer, Niall, no answer, with my last chance I call Zayn,

"Zayn speaking" I hear his voice talk through the line

"It's Summer, I need you to pick me up from somewhere" I say

"Aren't you meant to be in school" Zayn asks

About that, I got suspended" I say

"What did you do?! Wait tell me when I get there, are you at the front?" Zayn replies


"Be there in 5" Zayn answers

The call ends and I wait patiently outside. A familiar red car pulls up in front of the school, I walk up to the car and open the door,

"Been a naughty girl eh" Zayn laughs

"You could say that" I say picturing myself jumping on that, that animal. I notice zayn starring at my balled fists

"What did you do"

"I 'attacked' a girl" I reply looking at my shoes

"You attacked someone?!"

"Yes, but let's change the subject, if your meant to be the most well-known and busy boyband don't you have things to do" I ask

"As a matter of fact we are on break, but we have a signing and interview on Friday" Zayn says

"Oh ok" I say

"You can hang at mine where all the boys are, then go get Meg" Zayn offers

"Sounds great" I smile

We drive to Zayns house, which I've never been to. As we pull up at the front, I think of the long story I'm going to have to tell these 4 boys.

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