chapter nine

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inviting carter over wasn't all my idea. jackie told dad that he walked us home the other night which lead to me coughing up that i hangout with him friday.

"you went on a date?" dad asked.

"i mean i wouldn't say it was a date. we didn't confirm it was a date and it was so last minute that we really were just hanging out." i said putting a potato chip in my mouth.

"yeah but there must be something happening between you two if you're inviting him over." he's really trying to get info out of me.

"hey! you said you wanted to meet him so technically you invited him." i sassed. he was going to make a comment but was thrown off by the knock on the door. "please act normal and don't hate him if he doesn't like the canucks or leafs!" i say running to the door but i was beat by jackie answering the door.

"hi carter!" jackie smiled then grabbed his hand to drag him in the house and closed the door behind him. "welcome to our home, we don't have any pets unless you count my sea monkeys."

"thank you," he smiled and then looked up at me and smiled more. "hi."

"hey," i blushed a little.

"hi! you must be carter," dad said entering the room and shook carters hand.

"yes and you must be mr. chamberlain."

"yes, but you can call me steve."

"carter come look at my sea monkeys!" jackie tugged at his sweatshirt. he followed her to her room so i followed them. going upstairs jackie practically gave a house tour but started with her room. "this is my room, these are my sea monkeys that one is my favorite i named her jessica."

"why jessica?"

"it was just the first name that came to my mind." carter and i chuckled then followed her as she kept her tour going. "this is devon's room, not as cool as mine because she doesn't have a lot of color."

my room was just how i liked it, lots of photos on my walls and memorabilia from concerts and different sporting events. carter roomed around for a bit until jackie said it was time to go back downstairs so we could eat pizza.

as we went downstairs carter whispered in my ear, "you put up the ticket from the game thursday."

i nodded, "had to put it up, i witnessed a carter hart shutout , pretty special." i winked and ran downstairs to beat him to the kitchen.

"hopefully plain cheese is ok," dad says once everyone gets into the kitchen. but didn't need to because we all grabbed a piece before he finished his sentence.

eventually the game started which sparked dad's curiosity. "so carter you a fan of the canucks?"

"actually im a has fan but i guess now i have to be a fan of the flyers." he said honestly making dad very confused.

"dad he was drafted by the flyers, i thought i told you that?" i rolled my eyes.

"maybe you did, im getting old i probably forgot." dad proceeded to ask him questions about hockey, it was awkward at first but carter started to realize my dad wasn't intimidating.

brock boeser scored in the second period making dad cheer, he loved the kid.

"five bucks matthews scores," i whispered to carter.

"ok, five bucks vancouver wins."

"you're on," we shook hands on it.


the game ended with toronto winning in the shootout. dad wasn't very impressed but he wasn't mad because it went into a shootout and it was his second favorite team that they lost too. carter gave me five dollars with ended up going to jackie because she made a bet with me that "the guy who looks like a prince" would do something cool. i found it cute that she called nylander that so i gave her the five dollars anyways.

it became late so carter said he was going to head out. so we both stood outside on the stairs in front of the front door. "well ill see you friday if i don't see you before then?"

"yeah, i can't wait to see you kick ass."

he smiled big and ran his hand through his hair. "goodnight devon."

"goodnight carter." before he left i hugged him, he was caught by surprise but hugged back. i let go and went back inside. this has been crazy few days. 


[a/n we don't deserve jake debrusk]

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