chapter twenty-eight

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that night after carter brought jackie and i home he asked if i wanted to go on that date we planned to go on. so here we are the night after and the girls are over "helping" me get ready for my date. he said he was taking me out to dinner but i didn't have to get dressed up. so i settled on black jeans and a nice blouse.

"at least let us curl your hair a bit!" annie insisted.

"fine, will someone put mascara and light eyeshadow on me too?" all three of them couldn't believe those words came out of my mouth. normally if i wear makeup i do it myself because i hate being pampered. "what? i just want to look nice and i know you guys will make me very pretty." they cheered and got to work. about forty-five minutes later carter had arrived.

"wow, you look very nice." carter breathed out.

"thank you, you also clean up nicely."

"thank you, you ready?"

"yeah let me grab my coat!"

when i realized where carter had taken me i was amused. he had taken me to the diner from the night we first met.

"it's nothing special but thought you'd enjoy it."

"i love it, very thoughtful." he pulled the chair out for me like a true gentleman. as he sat down the waitress came over to get our drink orders. 

"was is too cliche to bring you to diner?" he asked when she left.

"what? no not at all, its thoughtful." 

"i just wasn't sure, i know you'll be happy no matter what but i just wanted it to be perfect." 

i lean forward a little and grabbed his hand, "i've really enjoyed these past couple of weeks with you carter. so thank you for being there not only for me but jackie too, it means a lot."


it was a good night. he told me more about the world juniors. he revealed that he was very nervous because last year they had won the silver and he didn't want to come back home without that gold.

"just don't put too much pressure on yourself ok?" i said and he nodded. i knew he couldn't promise anything but still hoped he'd keep it in mind.

"so, hows your dad?"

"good, i hope. he's been pretty busy with work but he works well under stress so it'll be worth it."

we talked about jackie, sutter, the girls, and just about anything else till it got late. he took me home but we sat in his car for a bit. this was the last time i'd see him for at least a month if not two.

"well i guess this is goodbye for a bit." i started the dreaded conversation.

"yeah, sadly."

"well, good luck and no matter what everyone will be proud of their number one hockey boy." he chuckled making me smile.

"thanks devon, im gonna miss you."

"ill miss you too carter."

next thing i know im kissing carter. we made out for a bit which made me laugh in my head, who thought id be doing that. we separated and it was time for him to go.

"goodbye carter."

"goodbye devon."

carter was leaving and i was just hoping he'd come back. 


[a/n blah i hate this chapter lmao] 

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