chapter thirty-five

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today carter is finally coming back to everett. its been awhile since he won the gold but he visited home and did lots of media. i wasn't able to pick him at the airport but he said it was ok because parks could pick im up. but he did plan on coming over after i had school then we were going out with connor and jackie on a "double date".

i picked jackie up from daycare and quickly but safely went home excited to see a waiting carter.

"where are we going with connor and carter?" jackie asked.

"not sure, we'll probably figure out something soon."

i pulled into my driveway to see carter sitting on the front steps. i quickly parked and jump out of my car running up to him.

"i missed you so fucking much." i said into his chest hugging him as tight as i could.

"man i missed you," he said back and stroked my hair.

"carter!" jackie said running up to us.

"hi jackie, i missed you so much!" he hugged her and proceeded to tell her that he always kept a photo of jackie and i in his cubby in the locker room.

"can i do that but in my room?" she asked.

"of course, you can put it next to your sea monkeys." carter replied and she cheered. "can we hang out with connor now? please!"

we both nod and i tell jackie to go upstairs and put her school stuff away. i could care less if she put it away i just wanted a little alone time with carter.

"man it's nice to have you back."

"it's nice to be back," he hugs me and leans over me to kiss me.

"ewww!" jackie yells making me groan but makes carter laugh.

"c'mon ladies lets go meet connor at mini golf." carter takes both of our hands and leads us to my car because quote, "your car is cool".

after making sure jackie was situated in the back seat we headed to the place. carter grabbed my hand from my lap and held it making me blush.

he came back.


[a/n leafs , game 6 lets goo]

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