chapter twenty-two

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"SO WHAT HAPPENED?" they all said as soon as i opened the door to annie's car.

"oh my," i got in and got myself situated before saying anything. "so you can't tell anyone this not jackie not dad not any one." they all nod. "so last night as you guys know we went to the game. so carter and i had this plan that id sneak him in the house because dad said i couldn't hang with him after the game. so we were just planning to watch a movie." annie realizes this might be a long story s she starts driving to school so we aren't late. "so i got him the house no problem. we decided to watch friends instead of a movie when out of the blue he asked me if i wanted to go on a date. he kept rambling after so without thinking i put my hand on his cheek then eventually he kissed me. " they all say their 'ohhs' and 'awes'. "i woke up this morning with him gone but he left a note saying that he'd miss me and other stuff." when i read the note i blushed and put it on my wall with the other memorabilia.

"why do i think that devon got a better deal out of that night annie dragged her to the game than annie did." mindy snickers.

"because she did! riley is great and we like each other a lot but we've been talking for months. but carter and devon haven't even known each other for a month!"

we all laugh walking into the school. we decide to meet back at annie's car after school to go to the city even if it was a monday. i messaged jamie, jackie's babysitter, asking her if she could watch jackie. she said yes and that she could take her her swim lessons, man i was thankful for jamie.


about thirty minutes after school the girls and i got into the city.

"man i haven't been to seattle in a while," mindy said watching the city go buy her as annie tried finding parking. "actually the last time i was here was when we went to the roof of that building."

"we should go there, this time get some photos." annie said but still very focused.

"yeah but later so it'll be dark and we can have the sign be lit up."

"hopefully it works," i say honestly.

ten minutes later we find a spot and head to the shops. annie drags us to a thrift shop that she goes to often. she says they have nice stuff but also have lots of random t-shirts for no more than five dollars. i go to the shirts, annie and taylor go to the shoes and mindy is going throw the jackets next to me.

"ha no way," i pull a blue shirt from the rack. i hold the shirt up to me and turn to mindy.

"only you would find that shirt."

i laugh and look at the price, "we should come here more often, its one dollar."

after probably two hours we all leave with at least one thing. annie left with a dress, shirts and a pair of shoes. mindy gets a jacket she was looking for and taylor just bought shoes.

"ok devon what'd you get?" annie said as we got in the car.

"i bought a jacket, this grey hoodie only because it was 2 bucks and probably the best purchase ever, this cubs t-shirt."

"you're such a nerd."

"let me love baseball." i beg.

we had been in the seattle for a little over 3 hours it starts getting dark out so we head to the building. annie really wants to get some photos but want people to take photos of her new dress.

it was a good night. lots of laughs and blurry photos. unfortunately it ended sooner than wanted because both mindy and i got text from our parents saying we need to be home soon.

"im going to miss you guys when we all go to college." mindy says breaking the silence.

"me too."

"this summer we need to hang all the time so then it gives me a month were i won't miss you guys too too much."

we all nod and agree. the conversation was cut short because we didn't want to face the reality that we were all leaving each other in less than a year. but for right now i wanted to be in the present and not the future.


[a/n posted another chappie for @-melodic bc i loved all the comments ahhh and jAKE DEBRUSK IS BACK AND HAS 2 GOALS PLEASE LET HIM HAVE A HATTY]


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