chapter twenty-six

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carter + devon

heart eyes devon

are you doing anything in like 2 hours

hart of gold

uhh i don't think so why

heart eyes devon

jackie has a family swim

it's kind of like a family skate but you swim and she wants you to come

hart of gold

oh yeah i bet jackie wants me to come

heart eyes devon

no really she wants you to come pleassseee

ill feel bad if im her only family member there because dad was suppose to come but he got caught up in work

hart of gold

ok ill go, sorry about your dad. ill be at your house soon

heart eyes devon

thank you so much


carter showed up with time to get to the indoor pool and time to spare. i drove us to the pool because carter had no clue were it was.

"thank you for coming carter!"

"no problem jackie, you better be a better swimmer than me!"

"i've been practicing for 7 months now carter im going to be better than you." jackie sasses and i try to contain my laughter.

we got to the pool and changed into our bathing suits. jackie wouldn't sit still when i tried helping her put her bathing suit on because she was so excited.

"c'mon jackie we don't want to keep carter waiting." i pick her up and take her outside of the bathroom the same time carter walks out from the mens bathroom. i have to stop myself from staring at his torso. looking up at his eyes i notice he's also looking at my body. i blush but tried to hide it by moving jackie in front of me. but she jumps down and runs to carter taking him to the pool. i walk quickly to catch up. we get to a group of kids and parents standing near the entrance to the pool. i saw jackie swimming instructor in front of all of them and she starts to speak.

"welcome everyone to family swim i know the kiddos are eager to get into the pool so have fun and stay safe. if you have any questions ill be swimming around to meet up with everyone!" she said with a big smile and everyone started getting into the water. almost as soon as we all got into the water one of jackie's friends came over with her mom and older sister.

"devon! how are you?"

"oh hi mrs. wood. im doing well how are you?"

"doing great, i heard you got into washington."

"i did, early admissions."

"that's great!" she came closer and hugged me. when she let go she looked to the right of me, "who's that cutie?" she whispered. i looked over to to carter playing with jackie.

"that's carter, he's my friend."

she winks at me then tells me to have a good time and have a great senior year. i go back to carter and jackie when a small girl comes over to jackie with her family who I've never seen before.

"hi you must be jackie's parents." the lady says.

i snort and cover my mouth, "actually im jackie's sister and-"

"oh im so sorry! you must be her boyfriend."

with me almost laughing again carter says something quickly. "yes im carter, devon's boyfriend." i freeze.

"well it was great to meet you two. i wanted to meet the sweet girls family." and with that they left.

i was planning on staying quiet but was to curious to see what carter had to say. "girlfriend huh?"

"only if you'll have my heart," he jokes. i laugh but push him slightly making him smile.



[a/n y'all gotta check out the band the aces, their album comes out in two days and the band members are what my characters look like in the cast!]

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