chapter twenty-three

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liked by devonchambie, greenty, and 98 others

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liked by devonchambie, greenty, and 98 others

mindygreen: all i asked for was a good hq photo of me and i get this

tagged: devonchambie

devonchambie: at least i got the tag!

greenty: it looks like you posed for this so you can't complain

taylorrr: the bro with the roast ^^

devonchambie: ^^^

mindygreen: greenty shut up

greenty: i am a saint

annieboo: greenty bullshit

mindygreen: oof the bff with the roast! ^^

liked by rsutter14, taylorrr and 68 others

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liked by rsutter14, taylorrr and 68 others

annieboo: weird arms and thrifted buys

rsutter14: i love you and ur weird arms

taylorrr: cringe but sweet??^

devonchambie: love the dress, hate the arms???

mindygreen: love the arms dislike the dress

annieboo: devonchambie mindygreen wow i love my supporters

annieboo: devonchambie mindygreen wow i love my supporters

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liked by greenty, mindygreen, and 75 others

taylorrr: i liked this photo of annie better than the one of me, specially bc she changed her outfit for it

tagged: annieboo

annieboo: my number one supporter besides rsutter14

mindygreen: annieboo hey!

devonchambie: annieboo hey!

liked by c_hart70, mindygreen and 88 others

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liked by c_hart70, mindygreen and 88 others

devonchambie: the white sweater is in the citttyyyyy

tagged: taylorrr

taylorrr: i got pic creds woop woop!

annieboo: only liked bc of the white sweater

c_hart70: the ghost sweater would look better on me

devonchambie: c_hart70 just like your jersey looks better on me?

mindygreen: oof the other best friend with the rOAST ^^


[a/n thank you all so much for voting, commenting and putting this book in your reading lists! i really appreciate it ahhh tysm]

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