chapter thirty-one

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it was the night of the get together but more importantly the outdoor game between canada vs the us. all the girls were at annie's and soon more people would show up. annie invited a few other people from school and of course the boys from the tips. first sutter, connor, jake and a few others showed up. things started hitting off when everyone showed up and the game started. a guy named tyler brought the alcohol for us, and much as i wanted to be a good daughter i desperately wanted a drink.

"whatchya want devon?" tyler asked me.

"uh, a beer will do." he grabbed a beer, opened it and handed it to me. "thanks." i walked back to the couch to watch the game sipping the beer. it tasted like shit but i wasn't feeling vodka or whiskey.

i didn't realize i was so focused on the game until connor sat next to me on the couch.

"hey superstar," he says.

i chuckle, "ha, says you, scoring every game sounds like a superstar to me."

"says the one who got a full ride to college, that sounds like a superstar to me." he nudged me and i roll my eyes. "so, hows carter? besides on the ice."

"good, im assuming. we haven't talked much but he's been really busy so." i shrug. truthfully i was really missing talking to carter. yeah i knew i could talk to the girls when ever i needed to but sometimes it was refreshing talking to someone else.

"well, we all miss him but glad he's about to win gold!" connor and i talked for a a while after. i told him jackie has a crush on him and told me to invite him for dinner soon. "ah yes, we'll have to have a double date when carter gets home." he joked making me laugh a little more than normal, it was the alcohol.

as the night went on i drank more beer eventually gaining a tolerance for the taste of the beer. the game had been up and down. normally i wouldn't be so anxious about a hockey game but i really wanted this for carter. the game went into a shootout. connor, some of the other guys and i were all sitting on the edge of our seats, not necessarily for carter but everyone playing.

sam steel is up first, "c'mon sam," i whisper. it was a miss but i still had hope.

goal for USA.

miss for Can.

goal for USA.

miss for CAN.

miss for USA.

miss for CAN.

the united states had won the outdoor game. it wasn't the biggest deal but it was for those boys. and for the fans they thought it would be a glimpse of the gold medal game.

"carter did well!" multiple people said walking past me going find more alcohol. 

man did i miss carter. 



carter + devon


i know you won't see this for a while but you did really well tonight

and i know you're mad at yourself but don't be, you have other games and still have a chance at gold

im a little drunk tbh so im rambling but i love you


yeah, i do love you

i love you carter hart


[a/n man am i nervous for game 3 of the leafs vs the B's] 

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