chapter thirty-six

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"i wanna be on a team with connor!" jackie said as we all grabbed clubs and balls for the glow-in-the-dark course.

"jackie and i versus carter and devon!" connor high fived jackie.

carter and i ended up loosing because he couldn't get the ball past the windmill and somehow jackie did it without any help.

on our way out connor bought jackie an ice cream and gave her fifty cents to get a temporary tattoo. carter, jackie and i headed back to my house leaving connor.

"jackie did you have fun with your boyfriend?" carter giggled.

"hes not my boyfriend!" she whines but giggles after.


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liked by cdewar43, annieboo, and 76 others

deconchambie: someone teach connor how to take a photo

tagged: cdewar43

cdewwar43: rUDE

annieboo: you guys went mini golfing with out me?!

rsutter14: ^^^

c_hart70: should have had me take it

devonchambie: c_hart70 true

mindygreen: who won?

devonchambie: mindygreen connor and jackie did, carter is bad at mni golf

taylorrr: wow carter isn't talented at everything?

c_hart70: im being bullied

devonchambie: c_hart70 thats what you get for giving us the L #notournumber1minigolfboy


[a/n my fav hashtag is #notournumber1minigolfboy] 

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