old and new friends

667 11 9

(yourname) POV

it was next day, i got ready my things and walk to the area where, the ship would take me to beacon. when i entered the ship and found a place to sit, i looked to my side,seeing a familiar face and a new one, it was ruby and she was talking to a blonde girl.

blonde girl: oh i cant believe my baby sister is going to beacon with me! this is the best day ever.*she said while hugging and almost suffocating ruby*

(yourname): (thoughts)hmm so this is ruby's sister never knew she had one. wait a minute ruby rose,rose who do i know whos name also end with rose. eureka its the boy from 2 years ago i wonder how he is doing.

ruby:please stop

the blonde girl lets go of her sister

blonde girl: but im so proud of you

ruby: really, sis it was nothing

blonde girl: what do you mean it was incredible, everyone in beacon is going to think your the bees knees

ruby: i dont want to be the "bees knees",okay i dont wanna be any kind of knees, i just want to be a normal girls with normal knees.

while all this was happening somebody approached me

?????: hey is this seat taken

(yourname): no you can sit down

?????: cool, hey do i know you

(Yourname): i dont know you so probably not.

?????: wait a minute your hunter!!

(yourname): no way, jason is that you

jason: yup its me.

(yourname): well well, it seems like you've been doing good, so did u take revenge on those that mistreated you.

jason: nope, that night u passed me the dagger i ran away from home and started to train in the woods for years until ozpin asked me to join beacon, i also got this weapone its a sword that can transform into a bow i also unlocked my semblance.

(yourname): thats cool but i have to ask what was your family like.

jason: well i have my parents and i have two siblings two girls one named ruby and one named yang

(yourname): wait a minute they were the ones that abused you

jason: yup but thats all in the past i should be fine unless i see them here but what are the odds of that happening. haha...hah

(yourname): you just saw them didnt you

jason: yup

(Yourname): your pissed right now right

jason: indeed

(Yourname): well here is what you need to do, do not make a scene do not kill them and relax and cool down for a bit.

jason was fuming with anger but i saw him try to calm himself down he was taking deep breaths and trying not draw his sword.

jason: ok ok,im ok ,just need to calm down.

after all that i was surprised that jason manage to calm down, and when he did we started to chat we also took a look at the view it was absolutely stunning, but that was until a blonde boy threw up a bit on yang's shoe, and out the window. jason was laughing his ass off when yang started saying "get it off, get it off" and ruby saying"stay away from me no no no no" i just face palmed looking at this situation.

when the ship landed i saw the boy which was throwing up run out and threw up. and with that jason and i parted ways.

jason: well good catching up with you but i going to go explore for a bit.

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