Imperial Agents

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the time was 2 am monday, the deathkorps readied their forces to send to (yourname) in beacon

maverick: ok so we have 50 infantry right

captain: yes sir 50 infantry and 1 leman russ will be sent to beacon, by warp travel.

maverick: excellent captain.

captain: they should reach beacon around 11am monday, thats the time they reach him will that be ok sir.

maverick: that should be find, i will be accompanying the infantry as well

captain: yes sir, as you wish sir.

the captain leaves the room, and lord commisar maverick went out to the courtyard to give a speech to the infantry men, once outside maverick got onto the leman russ tank, and beings his speech.

maverick: Glorious soldiers of the emperor, you are the finest which are being sent to support the inquisitor in beacon, you are the strongest, the fastest, and the most superior out of all of the regiments infantry. well than, company attention!!!!march forward, through the portal. drive me closer, i want to hit it with my sword

the soldiers began marching through the portal, and they ended up in front of beacon academy in a few seconds. and they began to march into the courtyard with numerous students watching them

they look something like this when marching

students could be seen rushing out of their dorms, with scrolls in hand taking photos and videos

maverick: hold march.( the platoon stops marching and stands in attention) is this thing on *fumbles with megaphone* ok there we go,(megaphone) attention all students and staff in beacon, this is lord commisar maverick the 2nd, of deathkorps regiment 243rd "the imperial eagles" we are here to meet a mr (yourname), can a (yourname) come out to the courtyard please.

while in class (yourname) was sleeping soundly on his desk until he was abruptly interrupted by the sounds of soldiers marching

jason: uhh dude there are people looking for you.

(yourname): huh...people. what kind.

jason: a guy calling himself, lord commisar.

(yourname): commisar, imperial soldiers here, i need to see this (looks out of window, and sees a platoon of soldiers in the courtyard with a leman russ tank and a commisar) hmm well this is interesting to say the least.

(yourname) and jason rushed down seeing team rwby and jnpr as well many others looking at the platoon.

ruby: hey (yourname), jason, over here.

they both walked over

ruby: who are these people.

jason: yeah

yourname: could be the reinforcements i called.

ruby/jason: the what??

(yourname) walks up to the platoon (maverick gets out of the tank)

maverick: ahh so you must be the inquisitor, wait a minute (yourname) is that you

(yourname): by the emperor maverick is that you. it is, good to see you again old friend.

maverick: of course its been a while my friend, hows life treating you.

(yourname): its so-so but fine, you guys can go they only want to meet me (when he said that students started to disperse, only leaving team rwby and jnpr).

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