First Contact

410 10 6

At the infirmary

jason was resting on the infirmary bed with some bandages wrapped around him, i think they just bandage him just in case if he starts to bleed,which doesnt really make much sense but hey doctors.

(Yourname): yo jason you ok.

jason: yeah just make sure to get that BITCH away from me.

(Yourname): chill, dude your in a safe place now, the infirmary.

jason: yeah, yeah. so mind telling me about those weird dudes in the emerald forest earlier.

(Yourname): *sigh* fine as i said those people were cultist, judging by what the big guy said they were followers of the khorne the chaos god of blood, war and murder, them being here made no sense, unless the warpstorms are getting heavier.

jason: what chaos god, warpstorms, you got to explain this slower

(Yourname): in my dimension there are many evil entities that wants to wipe out mankind, xenos or aliens and the chaos gods four demonic entities of pure mayhem and destruction their purpose to eradicate all life in the universe. that is all i would say for now i will get you some codex next time. so you can read up on them and the history of my dimesion.

jason: oh ok thanks.

(yourname): so you ready to go back to the dorms.

jason: ok lets go*he hopped of the bed*

while walking through beacons hall with jason i saw somebody whack books out of jaune's hand.

jaune:*sighs*not this again(he mumbles to himself)

(Yourname): here let me help you with that *passes jaune his book*

jaune: thanks dude.

jason: why didnt you fight back, he was obviously in the wrong.

jaune: nah, it was just a light hearted prank, just boys being boys you know.

jason: sure

(yourname): if you ever need help tell me,torture and causing misery are my specialties as an inquisitor. you know

jaune: sure,*he quickly walks of*

jason: he definitely getting bullied

(yourname): yup, but let him fight for himself. even though he is being bullied but he will at least still have his pride and dignity and thats one thing cardin cant take from him

jason: sure pal whatever you say.

(yourname): its getting pretty late lets go to our dorm.

at the dorm i opened it i was good,well at least according to imperial standard there were two beds and two desk one bathroom and few carboards, so i took my shower and saw jason was already sleeping so i got into my bed and but before i went to sleep.

(yourname): maybe i should send a transmission and see if any voxcaster manage to pick it up.

(recording transmission): this is inquisitor (yourname) of ordo hereticus sending a transmission of requesting reinforcements to support my hunt, my location is unknown so if this is massage is picked up by any voxcaster,please reply A.S.A.P

(transmission end)

(yourname): that should be about, huh this would be funny if someone manage to pick up this transmission.

but unbeknownst to (yourname) his transmission was picked up by another imperial force that landed on remnant only a few week back. they are stationed near atlas hidden from the atlesian military. this imperial force is know as the deathkorps.

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