the fleet cometh, Forgiven at last

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The imperial fleet "justice of the emperor" was nearing the remnant the admiral of these fleet admiral constantine was about to send the transmission to the deathkorps deployed on remnant. when they reach orbit of remnant,the transmission was sent.

*incoming transmission*

maverick: play transmission.

constantine: this is admiral constantine of the imperial fleet "justice of the emperor" seeking permission to land ships.

maverick: permission granted.

the ships began to land.

how the fleet looks like

how the fleet looks like

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the imperial fleet

retribution-class battleship "emperors judgement", also the flagship of the fleet

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retribution-class battleship "emperors judgement", also the flagship of the fleet.

the ships could be seen landing in the atlasian mountains. while the deathkorps were happy to see reinforcements come, the atlasian military was not.

ironwoods office

soldier: general,genaral

ironwood: what is it?

soldier: gigantic ships could be seen landing in the nearby mountains sir. i think it could be an invasion fleet.

ironwood: nonsense, no military on this world, is able to compare to our might. just send in one infantry division and be done with it.

soldier: yes sir*salutes, and walks out of the office*

ironwood: there's no way they can beat us...right.

deathkorps camp

at the docking area numerous ships could be seen landing how they can all fit, i do not know but lord commisar maverick went out to meet the admiral.

maverick: ah, admiral constantine you came.

constantine: of course i did,also my fleet strength is, a total of 2 million men, 500 thousand vehicles, also the fleet consist of 10 cruisers , 5 destroyers and of course 1 battleship.

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