The atlasian offnesive

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"War Never Changes"

location atlas mountains

deathkorps captain: alright man, atlas has finally made their move ready your weapons.

soldiers in unison: yes sir!!

the deathkorps platoon "jungle stalkers" had been deployed all over the forest near the camp,they had prepared traps, to attack the atlas infantry division sent to attack, the deathkorps foundry's sighted in the mountains.

cuts to atlasian commander

commander: alright men this is to be a quick and simple mission,recon squad move in and scout out the area, will do the 4 strike maneuver, got it.( the 4 strike maneuver was a total of 4 strikes 2 by the main assault unit and 2 by the demolition corp. the atlas divisions outnumbered the jungle stalkers 10:1 a total of 10000 soldiers against 1000)

atlasian troops: yes sir

what they did not know, was the traps set all over the forest by the deathkorps,let just say its gonna be a bloodbath. the recon squad neared the area.

deathkorps sniper: steady...steady,now* he uses his remote to activated the dummys*

recon squad opened fired alerting their position to the deathkorps,but no gunshots or las fire could be heard,only the sound of rain.

recon trooper: hmm maybe it was just a false alar-hmmphh

the squad turns back seeing the trooper on the ground dead with his neck slit.

deathkorps assassin: one down 10 too go.

the squad was now paranoid. until one idiotic trooper stepped on somthing*clink*

recon trooper: huh*boom*

5 toopers got blown to bits

recon captain: dont panic remember your trainin-

he was cut off by a bullet to the skull blowing bits of his brain out,he lifeless body falls to the ground.

the troopers: open fire

they fired their guns into the surrounding area hoping to take out any enemies but to no avail.


the sniper opened fired taking out 2 troopers.

remaining troopers: retreat.*they begin to run away trying to escape the mayhem,but was stopped by the assassin*

assassin: i cant let you do that*he shoots one of the troopers*

trooper:please let me go i wont say a word.

deathkorpsassassin: sorry orders are orders.*pulls out boltpistol and places it on the trooper's head*


all members of the atlas recon squad now lies dead on the cold jungle floor.

deathkorpssniper: mission accomplish sir.

deathkorpscaptain: excellent return to camp and prepare for phase 2

deathkorpssniper: yes sir.

atlas command center

soldier: commander zinc the recon squad, they got killed

commander zinc: what how those were the finest, stealth troopers we had,damn no worries our main assault unit is already en-route to the foundry's.

outskirts of the deathkorps foundrys

the deathkorp artillery company has already loaded the basilisk ready to open fire on command.the sight of the main atlasian unit could be seen miles away but the artillery.

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