The happiest of Reunions

219 6 3

location beacon

(Yourname): man that was a long ride.

jason: agreed

ruby: well at least we got to spend time together.(she says smiling)

(yourname): yes it was ruby*pets her head*

ruby: *blushing*

(yourname): heh,still as cute as ever.

halfway while walking to dorms, a deathkorps guardsmen walked up to (yourname)

guardsmen: sir,i have news(whispers it to (yourname))

(yourname): what, really oh no this is bad.

jason/ruby: whats wrong.

(yourname): sorry ruby, i need to talk to jason in private for a bit.

ruby:oh ok*she walks off*

jason: dude whats wrong.

(yourname): uh, how do i say this..ok your parents are here

jason: FUCK!!!

(yourname): calm down.

jason: alright,alright i guessing they want to meet me.


jason: ah motherfucker, great just great

(yourname): so how you gonna handle this.

jason: i dont fucking know, wait a minute,can i borrow a few soldiers

(yourname): sure.

jason: thanks.

later 5 guardsmen walk up to jason. 1 of the guardsmen had a sliver insignia on his chest.signalling that he is the one in command.

squad captain: jason, sir, i am the captain in charge of this squad. we live to serve.

jason: oh ok, where's (yourname)

squad captain: he had some matters to attend to,sir

jason: alright than lets get a move on.

squad captain: sir yes sir, squad attention,squad single file,march

the squad stands in a single file and begins marching. when they reach the lift to ozpin office they stand in a single row. with jason in front of them. while in the lift the captain orders the squad to load rifles.

squad captain: load rifles.

squad: sir yes sir.

*ting* *shiclk*

jason: i dont think you have to do that. were not killing anybody.

squad captain: well better safe than sorry.

jason: ok than.


they exit the lift, and to jason's disgust his quote on quote family was there. summer and tai were talking to ozpin while qrow and raven were just doing absolute fuck all. summer than realises jason was here.

summer: son *she runs up*

squad captain: ready rifles

the squad points their rifles towards summer. summer stopped dead in her tracks. tai and the rest just looked in surprise.

jason: hold fire.

the squad puts their gun down.

jason: thank you, now to the family, qrow its good to see that you are still drinking,tai seems like your fashion sense still never changed,summer still as annoying as ever and raven it seems you still dont give a shit. so for what reason those the family of fucktards want to see me for. and please be quick i have places to be and grimm to kill.

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