One Last Fight

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location deathkorps camp

pov winter

maverick: thank you for all the information,miss schnee, you are now free to go

winter:i am

maverick: yes you are free to go,the video will be kept but will not be publicly released

winter: i see thank you,but where can i go, i already betrayed atlas.

maverick: alright than,you can stay with us.

winter: thank you very much,sir

maverick: no problem,head to barracks c-2,agent 34 should be there right now.

as i walked through the camp multiple soldiers gave me death glares,as i continued i saw an arena with atlasian troops inside fighting for their dear lives against some beast. when i reached the barracks i walked in seeing the agent resting on the bed

winter: hello is anybody in here

agent #34: i said,i do not need insurance i already got a company!!!!! *gets out of bed* oh its you

winter: yes its me

agent #34: so winter why are you here

winter: i cant go back to atlas so your general let me stay here,he told me to come to this barracks

agent #34: oh i see,well than welcome to barracks c-2 or "the land of the fucked"

winter: wait what!!!

agent #34: hehe

location beacon

(yourname): hey jason

jason: yes

(yourname): i feel like i have been given less screen time,even though i'm supposed to be the reader

jason: what the fuck are you talking about.

(yourname): *shrugs*

jason: you can be quite weird sometimes.

(yourname): yup

jason: ok than

(yourname): hey jason,what are we doing up so early.

jason: im going to get myself a drink and you are going to meet up with team RWBY for something.

(yourname): oh yeah.

jason: well team RWBY's dorm is here,so im gonna go, see you later

(yourname): alright dude.*knocks on the dorm's door*,is anybody there.

ruby: (she was tired) *Yawns* hey there,(yourname)

(yourname): morning, my little rosebud

ruby blushed when he said that

(yourname): you're as cute as ever.

ruby blushed harder.

(yourname): so why did you request for me so early in the morning*yawn*

ruby: weiss wanted to check something out

(yourname): alrighty than lets go.

location vale city

the streets were bustling with life as the vytal festival draws near the shops and streets of vale can be seen decorated with ribbons and other decorations,a banner could be seen hung up that says welcome to vale. as our team rwby and (yourname) stops at the dock weiss took the opportunity to say something.

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