The Atlas Conflict

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Year 20XX its been over 80 years since the great war, and on remnant all seems to be at peace well until they came,the deathkorps at first they seem neutral,well until atlas attacked them soon after that everything went to hell, the terrorist group death raiders began to attack atlasian the first atlas army has been sent to attack the deathkorps base under command of winter schnee. riots and worker's strikes occurred all around atlas. now we see what will happen to this once powerful continent.

location deathkorp watch tower

deathkorps sniper: hmm what this*zooms sniper scope*, looks like its the first wave of attacks,huh 2000+,judging by the size of it must be a decoy attack. 

*talks into radio*

deathkorps sniper: hq this sniper #124 reporting in dummy force advancing on foundry site b,i repeat there is a force advancing towards site b,permission to activate flamer traps.

HQ: permission granted,over and out.

deathkorps sniper: roger that command.

as the atlasian troops were marching along the road,they triggered the trap.

atlasian captain: hah,man i wonder why commander zinc had such a problem before,there little to no resistance here.



the captain mech got blown up, and the flame throwers started to spew napalm over the atlasian force.

atlasian captain: ahh it burns,my oum it fucking burns

as the soldiers were set alflame by the napalm,their screams could be heard all around the forest as numerous soldiers burn to death,medical help was called in to soon the atlasian medic came.the flamers were activated once again,burning the medics and more soldiers.when the dust settled all that was left were the burning carcasses of the dead atlasian soldiers.

deathkorps sniper:mission acommplish

HQ: got it, stay at your post and wait for any additional orders.

deathkorps: roger that command.

meanwhile somewhere else in the forest

the 34th atlasian rifleman corp has encircled a deathkorps squad.

corp captain: surrender and you will not be killed.

deathkorp captain: never, long live the emperor.

corp captain: well than rifleman corp move in.

corp: sir yes sir



corp captain: any last words captain.

deathkorps captain: yes, have you heard about the bird.

corp captain: what?

play this

as he said that a group of leman russ battle tanks roll's in firing their cannons on the unspecting rifleman corp,as a group of rifleman blows up,the captain was shocked at the chaos that was a firefight breaks out the corp captain tries to escape but the deathkorps captain stopped him. the deathkorp captian kicked the corp captain in his balls causing him to go on his knees

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