"Meeting" Part 5

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When I entered I saw Stella, Jayden and Valencia , Jack and James have a hearty laugh and enjoying.
Stella looked beautiful like a doll. Jayden looks handsome in his blue T shirt. Jack and James were cool dude in their Jackets.
Valencia looked very plain, no make up, with specs she looked too adamant. She never talked much. On the other hand Eliana was bubbly, gorgeous and attractive. Maybe that is the reason I enjoy Eliana's company. The minute I and Eliana entered.. Everyone stared at us. I think Jayden whistle too.
I wonder why Jayden likes Valencia, even she talks with him. Valencia doesn't even look at me, after our little argument she avoids even talking to me when we all sit together. She just answers yes or no. Short answers.
Now the minute we enter she gets up and walks towards the cash counter. We sit have smoothies and leave to go to school for audition as it is already 5pm. I thought we all will go but Valencia doesn't. She stays back and we all leave.
The minute all of them leave after 5 minutes I leave to go for home. Boss had already arrived.
I reached home, had bath. I do my homework and have food.Then Go to sleep. Nigel and Einstein played and then went to sleep.
Next day the same routine. Today as I entered my class. Stella hugged me and jumped up and down like a small kid saying she got the role of Queen and Jayden is the king. I was also happy listening to them. Both would suit each other. Eliana is playing the part of Juliet. I said that's really good. She compliments Jarius. Both will look good.
Jarius was already there, listening to our conversation. Jayden was making faces and grumbling that he wanted me to become his queen.
I pretended to be shocked and teased him sure. I said next time.
Sir entered and looked happy and said all selection are done except volunteers and head. He chose Jack and James and for head he said Valencia. I was shocked. I never gave my name. Secondly I don't have the time and energy. I am not interested. I immediately stood and blurted out. The entire class was shocked. Sir said that is the reason. I want you to be the Head. I said No..its not possible I am sorry.
Okay Sir said atleast I want you to attend today for the meeting at 5:30pm. I will check few more girls and boys ask them also to come and I will choose.
Sir I am not interested.. It doesn't make any sense I coming without any reason.
Now Sir looked angry.. Without any arguments I want you there. Its an order.
I was really pissed. I thought he is out of his mind. First he made me sit next to Jarius, I kept quite now he wants me to become head.. I think he is crazy.
From behind Stella and Jayden were very happy. They were congratulating.
The minute Bell rang..sir left and Jarius looked at me and said at least give a try. I said my foot.
He never said anything. The other lectures I couldn't concentrate I was going mad. I hated when something like this happened. I was waiting for the day to get over. The minute bell rang.. I walked out of the class.
Stella came running behind me.
She screamed... Wait for me Val... Please wait.
I stood.. She said don't get angry.
We have done nothing so please don't remove your anger on us.
I said... "I am sorry Stella."
We headed towards the cafeteria.. I took hot tea, Jack and James were sitting next to me. Jayden came and sat next to me. Stella next to him and Jarius was opposite. Jayden was teasing me the whole time saying I looked like a headmistress very studious so that is the reason Sir wanted me to become the Head. I take a stick and roam. We all will be like scare crow.. Don't kill us or punish us Madam.To add more fuel he said I told you to become my queen.. If you had paid heed.. You would have been my queen and not head.
We all laughed at this. Jarius only smirked. He seemed engrossed in some other world. No one disturbed him from his thoughts. Bell rang. We all went to our classes.
Time flew fast. I went opened the Parlour. I informed the boss. That will leave the parlour early around 4pm as I thought I will go home first... Freshen up and then go to college . He said okay.
I went home had a nice hot water bath. Changed myself to leggings and long loose top. I tied my hair in a bun. Walked out. Caught the bus. Reached college. All were there in the auditorium I sat on the last in the corner. Everyone was entering even the one's who are there in the skit. I was wondering as to why he called all.
After 15 minutes of waiting. Sir gave the script copy to each and everyone of the play.
Each one had to read their part. I saw Jayden and Stella. They spoke confidently and did their part nicely. Jarius and Eliana were too good..all was perfect as it was their first time reading the script and saying on the stage was good.
Sir then asked for some suggestions as to what more is required in the script.
How should the money be collected...
Every one was giving their opinion. Eliana and James suggested we should collect from each student around 1000 rupees. I was shocked. Are they insane...?
Even Jarius and Jayden nodded saying that it is okay.
I thought I won't pay only.
Let them only pay.
I kept my head down and was feeling too bored...
Suddenly I heard my name been taken.
I got up with fright.
Sir asked me.. I was already angry.. As I never wanted to come. I said everything is too good... But I can't afford to pay that much amount. So I won't pay. Stella said don't worry I will pay for you. Sir asked me what you feel Valencia.... Give me details...
I said Sir.. Instead of asking for a specific amount.. Let's keep as to pay according to your wish. The rich can pay more than 1000 as per their wish and there is no limit...
Secondly in the skit make the Romeo and Juliet attractive by making them sing and dance. Their love towards each of them should be so much so that people will be forced to buy their tickets.. Not the olden days Romeo and Juliet dragging skit.
After finishing Sir kept quite and looked satisfied.
I then realised my mistake. Jayden and Stella were showing me thumb.
Sir smiled and then announced that is the reason I wanted you to become the Head.
MY choice is right.
You will keep a tab on this. It's your duty from now onwards.
Valencia will be the Head of this entire project. You will see to it that the college accumulates more funds without any mess. Any doubts or problem I am always there. So the meeting is dispersed for today.
I was shocked.. I kept quiet. Stella came running and hugged me. Jayden was dancing... Screaming my queen is the Head... All were congratulating me.
Out of no where Jarius comes to me and ask what did I meant by attractive Romeo and Juliet.
I said colourful attire and walked out.
Jayden came running.. He said its late.. He will drop me. I said fine. Stella and Jayden both took my mobile number. He had a beautiful big car.. I and Stella sat behind. Jack too came behind and sat next to me. James sat in the front. I saw Jarius and Eliana going in another car. Jayden started talking and on the car. He was very happy. He dropped me first as my house came first. He said from tomorrow he will be picking me and Stella up from home. To be ready by 7.10 am

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