"Talent" Part 26

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I entered the cafeteria.. All were chatting..I saw Neil.. He was with Elaina and Marylyn.. I and Stella joined him.. James and Jack too. I sat next to Elaina and Stella next to me.. Today I had brought peaches jam and bread.. Stella took.. She loved.. Neil took.. Jack and James took one piece.. From behind Jarius came and took a piece of bread from my hand.. And ate.. I saw Elaina freeze.. Neil.. Can you come here please.. He got up.. I said please have a seat.. I am going to bring tea.. I walked towards the vending machine.. I looked at Elaina.. She understood.. She asked Jarius to sit next to her.. Stella saw..she came near me.. What was that..? I Smiled and took a sip of tea.. Jack came to have tea.. He stood with us talking.. Bell rang..
We all walked towards the class..
Andrew was already sitting at our usual place.. I sat next to him.. He showed me a book that had his drawing.. He was very good in drawing.. He had drawn beautiful scenery and women..
I looked at him and said.. You really have good talent..
Jarius entered.. He looked angry and sat towards my left.. Banging the books.
I behaved like I never noticed him. Elaina came in.. She wanted to sit out but Jarius allowed her to enter inside.
So Andrew tell me what are your hobbies..
Andrew.. Nothing much.. Drawing during free time, cooking and cleaning.. Or.. My mom will kill me..
I smiled..
What about you..?
I am boring.. I don't have any talent.. I work, eat and sleep..
"You are being modest.." he said
I said.. "I am telling the facts.. "
Till then mam entered.. She looked at Jarius.. What happened ? Why does it look like someone stole your chocolates..?
The entire class laughed..
I thought.. Nothing of his stolen..
He stole my first kiss..
He only smiled at the teacher..
Elaina blushed.. Poor girl is deeply in love with him
Teacher started her lecture.. And the day went quick.. Bell rang.. I started to move out towards the staff room..
Sir gave me a paper.. Accordingly please plan.. Let me know.. What you have thought about it.. Take help.. We will discuss tomorrow in the class..
Okay sir.. Can I till then tell all the friends and take their opinion too..
Good idea..! Carry on.. Sir said
Thank you and I left towards to exit of college..
I saw Jarius standing with his car at the gate.. My heart started beating fast...
I straight away got in without wasting time.. He looked surprised..
He said.. "I thought you won't come inside the car.."
I know you are stubborn and I don't want to create a scene..
So you are scared of me..? he said
Alright if it makes you happy..I said
1)Don't you ever ever come near me..
2)You will never come and pick me up...
3)I don't ever want you sitting next to me..
4)Never look at me nor touch me..
5)No gifts and banging books and showing anger..
Today you are coming with me.. He said.. Wait.. I have to work.. I already called your boss and said you are not coming.. That's it.. No arguments.. For now... As I am driving..
You are totally insane.. I said
For you my heart... Yes I am because you are driving me crazy..
I kept shut.. And closed my eyes..
I thought probably today he is going to rape and murder me.. I don't know what he is planning..? He is a rich lad.. No one will know also..
He halted.. And turned behind.. And said.. I planning to first rape you, then kill you and dump your body to the pigs.
I was shocked.. I knew it.. From the start.. You rich people always do that.. I hate you... Why me..? I shouted..
He laughed so much.." My stomach hurts.. You are one of a kind.. So innocent..that you will surely kill me one day..."he uttered
I got down from the car and saw.. It was a beautiful paradise.. Water flowing, mangrove trees and thick bushes.. On the other sides were big mango trees.. With plenty of mangoes..
My eyes were wide opened.. He said get in the car.. Remove your jeans and wear these shorts.. I looked at it..
Fine....I looked in the full car whether any camera is there.. None..
I changed fast..
It was till knees.. I thought.. He knows me very well.. I think it is his shorts..
I came out.. Now what..?
Let's enjoy in the water.. Fine.. He removed his pants.. He had shorts..
We sat near the river flowing.. I had dipped my legs.. It was nice an warm as it was afternoon..
He looked at me and said..
"Okay...I have a big problem with the rules.." ..
I need you.. So I will touch you.. In the sense.. I want to catch your hands and hug you.. And immediately he touched my hand.. Electric shorts ran in my whole system.. That I pulled my hand back.. And closed my eyes..
Listen.. Let's make one point clear.. You are not touching me at any cost.. If your hormones are not listening.. You can go and touch any girls.. But not me..
Right now.. I want to concentrate on my studies and then my career
I will allow only my husband or the person whom I get married to.. That is not anywhere now.. It is 10 years down the line.. I want to have a perfect pure and magical experience after marriage and be loyal to him..
He closed his eyes..and said.. That is reason I am madly deeply in love with you.
Listen Jarius.. "Now you don't understand.. You want me because your hormones are driving you nuts.. It is better you cool down.. There are many girls.. Who would love you..This is only infatuation.. "
"Fine.. He said".. "I will follow all the rules.. After 10 years.. You will be only mine.. No one else will ever come near you.. "
"Sometimes you talk rubbish.. Are you mad..Have you seen me properly.. Why will any boy fall for me.. Am I the beauty queen.. I don't have any extra talents or beauty to make a boy fall head over heels.."??? I questioned
"So you think I am not a boy.. I am mad.."
"I am not head over heels for you"..
"you feel my love is puppy love and infatuation.. That will fade Away..." he said..
I kept quite.. Useless arguing... I thought
Atleast be a friend to me now..? He asked
"I am.." I said
Let's enjoy.. He got up..
He removed some eatables like juice, fruits and chocolate pastries...
I ate 2 chocolate pastries..
He said.." You will become fat.. "..
"It is okay.. I will get married to a fat man "
"are you serious.."??? You want me to become fat..?
"Did you hear me.. I said man not a boy." .?
"He looked dead serious and came near me..making me go backwards towards the mango tree.. And captured me.. With both his hands on either side of the tree..
You make one thing straight.. Even if I die.. My heart will always yearn for you.. So however fat or ugly you become .. For me.. You are the most beautiful girl /woman.. "

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