The Rogue 5

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He stood there in all his glory, wearing only basketball shorts, his eight pack on full display many girls would have drooled, even Kat but she kept her cool and looked at him "What are you doing here?" She asked him.

"Roaming around this is actually my spot." He said huskily, she nodded "How about you?" He asked her.

"Relaxing just letting it all out." She answered before looking down at the lake, her reflection staring right back at her, she felt him sit down.

Blade looked at the beautiful girl in front of him sitting in the lake looking lonely,  he stuck his hand out to her "Hi my names Blade Nixon." He said, she looked at his hand before smiling "Names Katherina just Katherina."

"Well Katherina Just Katherina tell me about yourself."


"How old are you? "

"I'm 19"

"Favorite color?"


"Favorite food?"


"Best friends?"

"Nick and Aiden."

"Have you graduated High school?"

"Yes with the GPA of 4.6."

"Wow, well thats all I got."

"My turn." Katherina said

"Okay ask away." He said confidently, for some reason his wolf was purring at the back of his head, he wondered why? he felt comfortable with her.

Katherina smiled at him and threw random questions at him, he laughed when she asked if he still had his dignity? of course he broke out laughing hysterically,  she loved the sound of his laugh it made her relax she was going to watch over him, she didn't want him to get caught in her web of disaster,  it will only bring them both pain, his father had already figured it out.

"Nah I lost it to Aiden he made me run around the whole pack house naked for 2 hours I'm pretty sure the kids were scared. " He said to her, Katherina smiled at him and he returned it.

"So Katherina-"

"Please just call me Kat." She said, he nodded.

"So why'd you become a rogue?" He asked, Kat stiffened and her relaxed body posture straightened, she looked at him "It's really not something I want to talk about...Sorry." She said,  he nodded "Its fine it's my fault for asking such a private question."

They asked each other questions and continued to memorize what both liked, Blade would listen intently when she answers one of her questions, he felt calm and free around her and he hasn't felt like that in a long time, he hated that he was getting married to a random whore he hasn't seen since highschool, the girl who stuck by him like a glue stick she was annoying as hell and probably has STD's alot of them at it.

The night darkened and Kat stood up "Well I better go before Nick sents my fateful hound." She said, he nodded "Me too I have to set the meeting about you guys staying here." He said.

She smiled at him and held her index finger to her mouth in a shushing motion "Don't tell anyone what I told you today because its all a secret and don't tell them about this place also."She said softly, he nodded and let her go first, his wolf was nagging himto grab her and kiss her senseless but he couldn't so he punched a tree when she was out of ear shot to calm his wolf's nerves.

Kat got to the pack house and was greeted by Nick who looked at her angrily "Kat what the hell! you were gone for three hours!" He scolded her like a mother does, Kat smiled and looked at him "Sorry I was doing some stuff and I needed alone time." She said half telling the truth.

"Fine but next time please tell me I don't want to call your scary hound again." Nick said shivering he remembered the time he first met the thing, he was scared shitless the hound was talled then him, and he he was 6 feet, the hounds red blazing eyes followed him as he hid behind Kat who was snickering at the whole scene.

Kat walked up to the room she was going to be staying in from now on and she jumped on her bed drifting off to sleep immediately she felt her body go numb in and instance and next thing wit was oblivion.


She woke up the next morning with Nick jumping on her bed screaming, she fell off the bed her face hitting the floor first.

"The hell Nicky." She screamed at him,  he shrugged and she got up.

"oh oh!!" He screamed before running out of her room, the blonde girl following after him, he flew down the steps "Cheater." She screamed he stuck his tongue out, Nick raced outside he knew she was going to do something, he saw the men training look at him.

"Nikolai Frey your are so dead, it is only 5 in the morning I really want to kill you right now."  She said calmly, Nick ran and hid behind Aiden who chuckled and moved away from Nick who was looking scared looking around for cover.

Kat stalked towards her warlock best friend who was looking for cover, she jumped him both of them falling to the ground and she started punching his stomach.

"Nicky I hate you, it is five in the morning and I am cranky if I have to wake up to you jumping and screaming on my bed again, you will be sleepjng in the cave got it?!" She shouted while bouncing on his stomach while he groaned, he nodded his head vigorously.

"Yes...Fine..." He wheezed out, she smiled in triumph and got off him, helping him up only to trip him on his feet, he let out a loud 'Ommph'

"WHAT IS GOING ON!" A alpha voice shouted, all eyes trained on Alpha Dylan who was fuming seeing his mate under a girl, Kat looked at the Alpha un fazed at all.

"I demand an answer girl." Alpha Dylan said, Kat was getting angry she kept her cool.

"Answer me!" He bellowed,  the men saw that the Rogue girl wasn't even fazed by any of the commands that Alpha Dylan was demanding.

"Answer me you rogue!" He bellowed one last time and thats when Kat snapped Nobody Nobody commands her like that, her eyes shifted colors and her beast was going to be released, her body shook slightly,  Nick and Aiden who saw her got moving quickly, Aiden grabbed Katherinas hands and held them tight while he looked at Nick who was staring at his Alpha Mate while they both looked at the girl.

"Nick get him out before she takes over.." Aiden said the two didn't move until he shouted "NOW!" Nick now all worried and scared dragged his mate away who was confused as hell as to why his mate was so scared and why the girl was un fazed by his Alpha command?

Kat calmed down and ran a hand through her dirty hair and sighed before looking at Aiden who had let her go when she had calmed down "Thanks Aiddy I don't want her to be released yet." She said quietly for his ears to hear only, he nodded and kissed her cheeks.

"Go rest yesterday you had just woken so rest for the rest of the day and if I see you out of your bed I'll drag you back there and tie you down to the bed." He said in a mock serious voice,  she mock saluted before walking away hearing several chuckles behind her.

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