Sleep In

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"Michael, just text me when we're going and when." I say as Michael and me walk toward the door, it's now 12:09 am. Tomorrow's Sunday and I'd like to sleep in.

"Okay. See ya Allison." Michael says. He leans down and kisses me softly and a blush creeps on to my cheeks, making me quickly look away.

He chuckles as he gives me a hug and leaves.

I shut and lock the door. I sigh as I walk back into the living room. I grab my phone off the table and head up stairs.

I grab out shorts and a really long and baggy shirt. I take my hair out and put it back up in a tight pony tale, even though it's just going to get wrecked but, oh well.

I turn my light off and crawl into bed, closing my eyes, thinking of a certain green eyed boy.


I sit up and yawn, my phone goes off and I groan. I get up and walk over to it and take it of the charger.

"Who the hell is calling me so early?!" I sleepily shout into my phone.

"Well, you're not a morning person. Even though it's almost lunch time." A voice says and I smile.

"Good morning to you to Michael. And no I'm not, I was hoping be able to sleep in longer. " I say as I sit down on my chair.

"Okay I can't talk for long because my phones gonna die." He says fast and I laugh.

"Okay." I chuckle confused on why he called me, not that I'm complaining or anything.

"Okay I'll be over in 20 minutes because you're coming to band practice with me." He says then hangs up. I look at my phone and shrug my shoulders.

What ever. It's not a big deal.

I put my phone down back on my table and I grab random clothes and head into the washroom.

I have my shower and I hop out smelling like fruit.

I throw on my bright green shirt with the one shoulder hanging off and my ripped jean shorts.

I run the brush through my hair and then I put a beanie on it. I throw on my flats and grab my wallet, phone, head phones and house key. I grab my sunglasses off the dresser and put them on my head.

Just as I step off the last stair, there's a knock at my door.

I skip over to it smiling like a fool.

"Hey." I say as I open the door to see Michael standing there smiling. He does a once over on me and holds out his hand for me.

"Hey." He says as I take his hand and we walk toward his car. He opens the door for me and I bow thanking him. I get in and so does he and were off to where ever they hold there band practice.
"This better not be the date you were talking about." I say smirking and he rolls his eyes at me.

"Trust me. This isn't it." He says and I sigh as I lean my forehead against the window.


We pull up to a nice looking house after a while of driving. Okay my phone tells me it was only like, 15 minutes but it felt like over an hour.

"Nice house." I say as I get out. I put my sunglasses over my eyes.

"Not mine. Luke's." Michael says and reality comes and hits me.

Ashton's here.

Oh well, he can fuck off.

I follow Michael up to the house and he just walks in. I hesitate but soon follow.

I follow him toward a stair case and I hear laughter from below. I put my sunglasses on a table and reminding my self to get them when I leave.

"Fuck you Calum!" I hear a voice shout and a picture of Luke pops into my head.

"Hey idiots. Sorry I'm kinda late. Had to pick something up, very important to me." He says to the boys before they can see me.

"What was so important?" I hear a voice ask and I mentally run him over with a bus.

I finally walk down the rest of the way and all there eyes go to me. I see there eyes all widen and I give them a soft smile and I little wave.

"C'mon. They don't bite. Okay maybe Luke, but you just have to smack him upside the head if he try's." Michael says taking my hand and pulling me over to him.

"Everyone, who doesn't already know who this beautiful girl is, this is Allison, Ashton's girlfriends sister." Michael says and I see Ashton glare Michael.

What's his problem?

Irwin (Ashton Irwin)Where stories live. Discover now