Day 10

21 3 0

I found a pair of your shoes in my closet today. I hoped you would notice you didn't have them and you would text me. I didn't want to throw out your things so I called you. And called you. And you kept ignoring me. I sat on my closet floor and stared at the shoes that reminded me of you. They were yellow, your favorite color.

You finally texted me and said I could mail them to you. Mail them?

I went to the post office today for the first time ever and sent you a package. The box only contained your shoes. Maybe I should've looked for other things you left so I wouldn't have to come to the post office every time I noticed something that reminded me of you.

You texted me and asked if I was eating. I told you I had a smoothie this morning and you called me. I heard your voice for the first time in days. You told me you ordered me a pizza and wanted proof that I was actually eating it. I told you I mailed you your shoes and we both laughed.

At the end of the phone call I accidentally said I love you. And you said it back.

Do you love me? Here we go.

-they say it takes 21 days to break a habit

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