The infirmary was a similar concept of the homestead created from branches and any material of wood and rope stitched together. Only it was obviously smaller and other than only one singular room, I counted nearly four separate empty capacities. Each room containing one to three cots for the injured, if there was any. No one else seemed to be here besides Newt and I."I don't know, you're pretty small." He teased as he stepped forth with articles of clothing draped over his arm. "These should fit, but let me know if they're too big. You can change in the back room. It's more screened by the branches there just to be safe." I carefully took them from his hands while bundling them in my arms.
"Thank you." I was able to mouth. It caused a small growth of a smile on his lips.
"Now I'll just be outside, yeah?" Nodding, I ghosted past him down the small make-shift hall to the far back.
The door was nothing but a blue tattered sheet hanging from the beam. I wondered how long they have lived here for them to build all of this. Besides this and the homestead, there were a few more structures built. Everything seemed well-planned too to where they had a steady system on how everything worked here. I had many questions as most would I think if they were put into this situation. Of course, I couldn't ask them.
Pushing off the blanket, I peeled the shirt over my head to reveal a plain white bra. My skin was almost the same color, only it was blackened with bruises like the rest of my body. Larger than the others. Like I predicted, black spandex was the only thing that covered my lower half. I couldn't believe this was my only clothing. I felt so exposed to them.
The clothes given to me were perfectly simple. A white cotton long-sleeved shirt exposing collarbones, and long pant ripped up overalls that frayed at my ankles. A grey cardigan came with it, so I tugged that over my shoulders as well. Plain white laced shoes that were bound to get filthy were given too. I caressed my arms to my body, feeling already much more comfortable.
Tucking my hair behind my ear I left the room in search of Newt. Which as promised, he patiently lent against the structure waiting for me. Once he saw me, a cheeky smile planted on his face.
"Better?" I nodded, repeating the nervous habit of pulling my hair behind my ear. "Good. Look what I found." He lifted up a small journal, shaking it temptingly with a pencil pinned at its spine. "It's for recording injuries but I think you need it more. It'll give you some sense of a voice."
It was a plain brown cover with leather strings to tie and hold it together. The pages looked a little worn out, crinkled, and yellowed; which I assume is from having it so long. It wasn't fancy or anything of the sort, it was far more perfect than that. I smiled broadly, an alien gesture I don't believe I've had in some time. It was sore on my dimples like my body was telling me I shouldn't.
"I know it's not much but...think it'll do?" I stared up at him, exhilarated.
Not knowing how else to express it, I placed a quick peck on his cheek as a sign of my gratitude. It was like some sort of a twisted welcoming gift I found amusing and sweet. However, I didn't think the gesture would silence him. His jaw fell slack having trouble finding his next words. For me, it just seemed natural to and appropriate too. I wouldn't have done it if it made him uncomfortable. He awkwardly scratched the back of his neck, a small smile cheating him out.
"I take it you like it then." He chuckled, clearing up his throat.
"I do." I wrote, showing it to him.
"Good that." For a moment he glanced around, lumbering since either of us knowing where to take the conversation. "Oh, hey. You must be hungry, huh?"

Aphonic {TMR;Newt}
Fanfiction❝ Remembrance blooms from her fingertips.❞ Subject A0; The Primary Subject Subject A5; The Glue The Keeper of the Runners is alarmed when he finds a ball of white huddled in a crook in the Maze's corridors. A girl who is rotted with bruises and soak...