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I heard the sounds of gongs auguring inside my brain. It meshed with the whistles of dead birds in the trees that were being bombarded with smoke and dying out fires. Gally, the trembling hysteria in his eyes swam as he chiseled out Alby's name from the wall of names. I watched as the rest of the surviving Gladers huddled near the wall, watching as Teresa and I being pushed along by two others of Gally's followers. Thomas was pretending to be unconscious, his arms drapped over two boys shoulders.

Minho gave my a reassuring nod as I passed him, his eyes telling me it would be okay. They dropped Thomas limp to the floor, him face planting into the dust.

"This is such a waste," Gally spoke, shielding his knife into the sheath at his side.

"Gally," Winston called. He was shaking his head, his eyes pleading for any other solution. "This doesn't feel right, man."

"Yeah, what if Thomas is right." Jeff backed him up. "Maybe he can lead us home."

It was an understatement that Gally was beyond reason. He was ludicrous.

"We are home, okay?" He declared. "I don't want to have to cross any more names off that wall." I couldn't tell if it was a threat or a sentimental statement.

"You really think banishing us is going to solve anything?" Teresa spoke up, jerking her arms from the grip of the boy behind her.

"No," Gally answered. "This isn't a banishing. It's an offering."

"What-" Teresa's eyes widened as her wrists were being tied up to an implanted pole in front of the doors. I was serving the same fate as her, my wrists being scratched up by coarse rope as I was forced back. "Gally! What are you going!?"Newt watched from the side, his eyes yearning to murder the boy who restrained me. He had to control himself for this to work.

"You really think I'm gonna let Thomas back into the Maze!? After what he's done!" I hissed as the rope etched further. "Look around you! Look at our Glade! This is the only way!"

Newt and Minho shared a communicative glance, sharing with each other it was near time

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Newt and Minho shared a communicative glance, sharing with each other it was near time.

"Gally please," I spoke up for the first time to the Glade. Everyone, for a split moment, looked to Teresa to see it was her before realizing her lips weren't the ones moving. "Listen to yourself."

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