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"Mind if we all join you?"

Breakfast made by Frypan was my favorite. Why? Bacon. Simple as that.

"Yeah go on. Prim," Newt scooted closer for a few other boys to occupy the table along with us. "This here is Winston, he's Keeper of the Slicers."

"Hey." He smiled with a curt nod as he sat down next to me. I waved a shy hello.

"Zart. He helps me in the Gardens." I remember the strawberry blonde from yesterday. I saw him and Newt cracking a few jokes while doing their work when Chuck was showing me around. He was louder than most as I recall. I smiled at him.

"And I'm pretty sure you recognize our two Med-Jacks, Clint and Jeff."



"Think of em' kinda like the doctors around here. You go to them-"

"Actually I have something for Prim." Clint interrupted, reaching for something in his small brown leather pocket. He held out his hand which in the pit of his palm contained two translucent green pills. I stared at them blankly for a moment. "They're painkillers. I thought you might want them. You looked pretty uncomfortable this morning, those bruises look pretty painful."

I honestly didn't think anyone had noticed. I tried my hardest not to show it. Gulping with my eyes stinging, I hastily muttered out an airy thank you. I held out my hand, allowing him to drop them into my palm. I grabbed my bottled water, tossing them in.

"I didn't notice." Jeff's tone sounded regretful. "Sorry, Prim, my bad."

"Why didn't you tell me you were hurting?" After I finished swallowing them down I glanced to meet Newt's eyes. His face was scrunched in confusion and held a grudge of irritation. He had enough on his plate. I already felt guilty for waking him up so early this morning. It was my fault he had those lavender bags under his eyes. I gave a pitiful shrug of my shoulders, causing him to sigh out.

"You can tell me, you know? You didn't have to sit there enduring it."

I nodded a guilty okay, focusing back on my food to finish off my toast and eggs.

"Hey, you guys think the Greenie alarm's gonna go off today?" Zart broke the small icy tension.

"Hard to say. Maybe they're just switching it up by sending Greenies through the Maze?" Winston to me kind of seemed like the type who kept to himself mostly. I saw his face once or twice around the Glade and for the most part he was by his lonesome. Then again I can be wrong.

"Nah, that sounds stupid. They wouldn't switch it up out of the blue like this."

"It's an idea." Clint reasoned. "But it wouldn't make sense if that's how we're supposed to get out."

I tugged on Newt's sleeve, causing him to look down at the paper on which I wrote a question.

"Greenie alarm?" After he was finished chewing he was able to answer.

"Y'see that metal spot over there?" He pointed over across the chipped tables, pinpointing to a metal platform that seemed out of place compared to the green pasture surrounding it. "That's what we mean by when we say The Box. Each month it comes up with fresh supplies and a new Greenie. Yesterday when you showed up, we thought you might be it. We won't be sure until either later today or tomorrow. Sometimes they're a little off."

Chuck failed the mention that.

"Not usually though. They're pretty precise."

"Hey Prim, I gotta question." Winston tried before Newt cut him off.

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