♡)YouTube||Beast Boy

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Heya! Guess what? It's a Beast Boy chap- well, you already knew that. -.- Anyways, I realized I've been writing too many chapters of Bart, Dick, and Jaime. So here's a change!!

Summary: Beast Boy wanted to hand out with more boy lately, leaving (Y/N) all by herself. She decides to make a YouTube channel to pass time. Beast Boy finds the channel, falling in love with it but not knowing the identity of you behind the screen.

Key: (Y/T/N) = YouTuber name


  You sighed as you looked at your phone. You had called Beast Boy... what, 39 times?! He didn't answer any of them! He didn't even call you back!

You ran your hand through your hair and plopped down on your chair.

Ever since last month, Beast Boy/Garfield had stopped hanging out with you. Instead, he had run off to hang out with the guys.

Why?! Oh, he just said he wanted to hang out with more guys!! And instead, he starts ignoring your calls!!

You let out a sound of frustration, tugging your hair lightly.

You took out your computer and clicked on YouTube since you had nothing to do.

As you were watching your most FAVORITE YouTuber ever, DanTDM (Sorry if it's not, imagine someone else if you want), you suddenly had a crazy thought.

You had nothing to do, right? So... maybe you could start a YouTube channel of your own!

You smiled widely.


--One year later--

You turned on the camera and smiled.

"Hey, guys! (Y/T/N) here, and today I'm playing... MINECRAFT!!!", you said, smiling brightly.

It had been a year since you started your YouTube channel. You went by the name of (Y/T/N), and you had 3 million subscribers on YouTube!! It wasn't as many as Pewdiepie's, but it was pretty good for only a year!

Another thing was that your face was anonymous to the viewers. So, nobody knew that (Y/N) was (Y/T/N). For example, Thinknoodles! So, you used an animation character to replace your face. Kinda like JaidenAnimations, or Odd1sOut.

You let out a sound of frustration. You had just gotten blown up by a creeper.

"Great, now I need to go back and grab all my stuff!!", you whined.


Garfield tapped his finger on the table, yawning. All the guys said they were busy, so they couldn't hang out.

Garfield's eyes flickered to his laptop. He shrugged and grabbed the laptop.

"Well, there's nothing else to do.", he mumbled, clicking YouTube.

He eyed the screen and noticed a video in his recommended.

(Y/T/N)...? Who the heck is that? Garfield thought to himself.

But he was curious, so he clicked the video.

Your animation character popped up on the screen.

"Hey, guys! (Y/T/N) here, and today I'm playing... MINECRAFT!!", you cheered.

Garfield looked at the screen weirdly.

"So, (Y/T/N) is an animation character.", Garfield chuckled.

After the video ended, he clicked another one. Which led to another. And another!

He started to laugh when you said something funny. He gasped when a skeleton killed you. He shouted at the screen when you didn't notice there was someone behind you.

After a few days of watching you constantly, he finally realized. He was falling for (Y/T/N).

--One Day Later--

Garfield frowned. The guys were busy again, so they couldn't hang out. AGAIN.

He took out his laptop and was about to click another video when suddenly he thought of you. The (Y/N) you.

"I haven't hung out with (Y/N) for a pretty long time! Maybe I can hang out with her today!", Garfield said aloud.

Garfield grabbed his phone and texted to you:

Garfield_the_Amazing: Hey, want 2 hang out? It's been a long time since we last hung out.


"NOOOO, please don't kill me!!!", you screeched at the computer.

You heard your phone buzz and you got distracted.

"Oh, you died. Wow, wow, you died...", thee music started to play and you groaned.

"Killed again...", you grumbled.

You took the opportunity to grab your phone.

Gar_Gar: Hey, want 2 hang out? It's been a long time since we last hung out.

You texted your reply without thinking

(Y/N): Sure.

Gar_Gar: OK, be right there! C u soon!

Your eyes widened.

No, no, no, he couldn't be coming now!! Your game was still on, you were still logged into your YouTube account, AND all your recording equipment was still lying around in your room!

And knowing Garfield, he would shape-shift into a cheetah or something!

"Hey, (Y/N)- woah!", you heard Garfield say.

Yep. Right on cue.

You turned around sheepishly.

"Hiiiiiiiiiiii...", you said.

"(Y/N)? What's all this?", he asked, his eyes scanning the room.

He noticed your laptop.

"Wait, wait, wait... you're (Y/T/N)?!", he exclaimed, noticing your username on your YouTube channel.

"Heh, heh... hi...", you said, waving nervously.

He immediately flushed red, making you nervous.

"W-What's wrong? Are you disappointed???", you said, panicked.

Garfield immediately rushed over, grabbing your shoulders.

"No, nothing's wrong! I'm not disappointed! It's so awesome that YOU'RE (Y/T/N)!!", he said excitedly.

You let out a sigh of relief and smiled.

"Do you wanna... maybe finish the video I was working on... with me?", you said.

Garfield's eyes lit up, "Yeah!!!"

You laughed and pulled out an extra chair.

"Hey, guys! Today we have a special guest..."


Heya! Hope you enjoyed! Anyone else a part of TeamTDM? Who's with me?! Anyways, comment down below and I will see YOU in another chapter! Stay crash! Bai~

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