☆)Just Something to Keep You Guys Entertained

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Summary: You'll know it when you read it because there is no logic in this chapter.

Key: (E/N) = Enemy's name


"Where's (Y/N)?", Wally asked.

Everyone froze.

"SHHHHHH! DON'T SAY HER NAME.", Artemis hissed.

"What?", Wally asked, not understanding.

"She's going through... the cycle.", M'gann whispered and shivered.

"Th-The cycle...?", Wally repeated, getting slightly more afraid.

"Y'know, when women... bleed?", Zatanna tried to explain.

Wally's eyes widened and his mouth formed into an 'o' shape, "But I don't understand... what does that have to do with anything?"

Robin sighed and patted Wally's back sympathetically, "You have so much to learn."

"You're saying, you have NEVER seen how (Y/N) acts at THAT time?!", Rocket asks.

"Well... I've never seen her at that time before...", Wally admitted.

"Allow me to inform you of some important knowledge. First of all, (Y/N) has superpowers, which make these times-", Kaldur said.

"-crazy. Y'know how she just has to think of something and it appears?", Connor cringed.

"That reminds me, remember the monkeys?", Robin piped up.

Connor cringed, "Remember?! That was a NIGHTMARE! Worse, the monkeys were rainbow colored!"

"What?!", Wally exclaimed in disbelief and shock.

"Well, just in time, Wall-Man! You're here to witness it for the first time.", Artemis said, slightly wincing.

Just then, a flock of alien-birds flew by, meowing.

Wally stood there, frozen in shock, "W-Were those-"

"Alien-birds. It's happening!", Zatanna almost screamed.

Suddenly, a spine-tickling cackle was let out.

"(Y/N) has major mood swings. She can get easily mad, but most of the time, she's totally nuts.", Rocket said.

"The first time this happened, Robin walked up to her and asked if she was ok. (Y/N) totally blew up and BROKE his arm. Yes, BROKE.", Artemis shuddered.

Robin shivered, hugging himself, "It was horrible."

"Luckily, (Y/N) only acts like this for a day, so you just have to avoid getting killed for a day, and you'll be fine!", M'gann said, trying to encourage everyone.

And it was SO not working.

"Come on, Steve! Go akumatize some poor, innocent victims! Fly away, my akuma!", you said to a black butterfly, walking into the room.

"She's also been watching a LOT of Miraculous Ladybug. She's obsessed. We may have to fight some villains. Be ready.", Robin whispered.

Wally gulped.

Nope, he was not ready.

"Steve, go akumatize him! No wait, don't you DARE leave this room Victoria! Do I need to stuff you into a cage?! Wait, NO, HAMILTON. I WON'T LET YOU DIE LIKE ALEXANDER HAD TO. Burr, you leave Hamilton alone!", you hissed at a bunch of black butterflies.

"I'm Ladybug!", you said, switching roles, "You won't get away with this, Hawkmoth!"

You took out a Chat Noir baton and started to smash Steve.

Wally gasped and covered his eyes, "The poor butterfly."

"This is just (Y/N)'s imagination. It is not a REAL butterfly.", Kaldur informed him.

That did not help, because you had already turned the butterfly into mush.

And you were still smashing it.

While laughing hysterically like a psychopath.

Wally was kind of freaked out.

And I think M'gann fainted.

You snapped your fingers and out appeared a bowl.

You poured the remains of the akuma-butterfly into the bowl and started to pour cake mix into the bowl as well.

"HAH! I could give this to (E/N)! She will be POISONED! Wouldn't that be FUN?!!", you said, mixing it like a maniac.

Then, you switched rolls and knelt down onto the floor, "NOOOOOOO!! STTEEEEEEVVVEEEE!!!"

"Should I be worried?", Wally whispered as he watched you bawled your eyes out.

"Very.", Robin whispered back.

"Burr, stop SHOOTING Hamilton with that Nerf gun! You're gonna kill him! You know what happened to the real Hamilton! You couldn't stop crying for weeks! What do you mean that was ME?! HOW DARE YOU-NO, VICTORIA, DOWN!!", you screeched.

You pointed at the bowl, "SEE, VICTORIA?! This is what happens when you go to a psychopath like that LADYBUG!!", you said to Victoria.

"But... that was you.", Wally blurted out, instantly regretting it when your eyes locked with his.

"Ah, I see we have a CHALLENGER. How do you wanna do this? Light sabers? Swords? Katanas?", you hissed, walking up to him.

Wally immediately shot out of the room, maybe faster than the Flash.

You smirked, "Chicken."

You glared at the other superheros, who were cowering behind the couch.

"Good, good... no mutiny on my ship.", you said in satisfaction.

"Now!", you clapped your hands, "Let's finish that akuma cake!"

Everyone shivered at the thought of eating your akuma cake as you skipped away, humming a happy tune.

"Major mood swings...", Rocket shuddered, "We should've gotten out of here like Wally did."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"CHICKENS!! THE CHICKENS ARE ATTACKING THE GRAND MARSHAL!!!", you screamed, pointing at a chicken coop.

"VICTORIA! RUUUUUUUNNNNN!!!", you yelled and flew out of the room.

The other members exchanged looks... and got the HECK outta here.


"Hey, guys!", you smiled, "I can't remember anything from yesterday. What happened?"

"What?! She can't remember anything?!", Wally gaped at you.

You cocked an eyebrow, "Whaddaya mean?"

"She forgets the next day. We don't know how or why.", Connor shrugged.

"Forgets what?", you asked again.

"Nothing. I pity your future husband.", Robin added and raced out of the room.

"What?! Oh-Nevermind... fill me in on yesterday?", you asked Wally.

His eyes widened, "Never ask me that question EVER again."

He ran off, leaving you again confused.

"Seriously, what happened, PEOPLE!!??", you let out a huff.


As you can guess, I'm going through my 'period' and I want to make it... entertaining? I guess... but this is STILL pure TORTURE. WHY DO WE HAVE TO GO THROUGH THESE THINGS?!!

Anyways, hope you enjoyed this mini-chapter, and I'll see you in another chapter! Stay crash and BAIII!!~

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