I watched Olly walk down the aisle.
She was beautiful. Her short blonde hair had grown out. Her acne had cleared.
She was wearing a beautiful white lace dress. Her hair was done up in a braid. She kissed her groom while smiling. They walked together.~
After the reception, Olly stood alone on the dance floor.
I called her name.
She perked up and looked at me.
She held her hand out. I took it.
We danced along to the non-existent music.
"Greatness lies in you."
She smiled.
It must have look weird for Olly to be dancing alone.I watched as Olly cradled her baby. She had just given birth a beautiful little girl.
"Carmen. Come here."
He made his way across the hospital room.
"She looks just like her."
They smiled at eachother.
I cocked my head and peered at the birth certificate lying on the counter.Shayden Nina Jennings
I caressed the little baby's cheek.
Carmen left to the restroom.
I spun around as I heard my name being called.
"I know you're there, love."
I smiled at her.I watched as Shayden jumped off of the roof.
"Who are you?" I turned around.
She was standing behind me.
Her hair had grown out curly. She had dyed the ends red.
"I'm a friend of your mother."
"You're Shay?"
I nodded and hugged her.
"Your mother was a wonderful woman."
She smiled through her tears.
"You can see her again, or you can stay with me."I watched her think.
She smiled at me.
"I think I'll stay with my mom."
I brushed hair out of her eyes.
She has Olly's eyes.
"Go ahead. Tell your mother I miss her."She vanished.
I watched from the ceiling as Olly hugged Shayden.
I saw Olly take her last breath.
Suddenly, she appeared next to me.
She rest her head on my shoulder.
She whispered in my ear."greatness, Shay. greatness lies in you."