Who am I

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Cody's POV

Today was Monday, well the end of it anyways, Jen, Ted and I had just wrapped up our segment for the day. We were meeting Addie outside the office at around seven thirty.

"Cody, I don't think I've said this enough but I freaking love Miley. She's like another Addie, just more wild at times." Jen laughed, she, Addie and Miley had spent yesterday together all day after our hangover that lasted most of the morning.

"I agree with Jen, I like her too. She's fun but in a controlled way." Ted added.

"Yeah, she's pretty fun isn't she." I smiled.

"Aw, you still like her." Jen drummed her hands on my arm.

"What? Come on, really guys?" I rolled my eyes as we met up with Addie.

"Really guys what?" Addie joined us, taking her place next to Ted who kissed her cheek.

"Cody likes Miley, Cody likes Miley." Jen sang like some five year old.

"Yes! I'm glad you can see it too Jen!" Addie squealed.

"What? See what?" I asked flustered.

"Dude, I'm not even a girl and yet I agree with them." Ted said as we walked through the glass doors for the evening.

"I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about." I scoffed.

"Yeah ya do." Jen poked my cheek, "you still have a thing for her, I can see it in your blue eyes Cody."

"And the night at the bar, your hand on her back for the entire time there. Come on, don't deny it, you still like her." Addie cooed.

"Does it matter anyway? She doesn't really care, and besides, she's gonna be here for a week and then she takes off again, I might not see her again." I looked off into the distance.

"Which is exactly why we need to change her mind, maybe she'll stay longer." Jen perked up.

"Yeah, we need to make her stay, maybe she'd work for ESPN." Addie suggested optimistically.

"Guys, believe me, I want her to stay as much as you do but Miley's had her mind and heart set on the job she has now and she's not going to throw it away in a week because of us. That's not who she is, and that's not what we want for her." I sighed.

Everyone grew quiet for a moment, "you should take her out to dinner or lunch or something Cody, as I remember that's what you told me when I liked a certain girl back in college." Ted wrapped his arm protectively around Addie.

Addie giggled and whispered something neither Jen or I could hear "that's disgusting you two. Do that on your own time. But Ted does have a point, I wouldn't do dinner quite yet, maybe a lunch date or something." Jen seemed to ponder the idea.

I let out a long sigh, "maybe lunch, at least that's a safe bet. Ok fine, I'll invite her to lunch, but don't get too excited about it."

Jen clapped her hands, "yeah! You have her number right?"

"I uh... no, I don't think so." I admitted.

"Ugh, I'll text it to you and ask her to lunch tomorrow. Do it Hauser, I've never seen you like this before and it's fun to watch. Also, you need to start doing something with your life." Jen bumped my shoulder.

"And that statement is coming from you," I smirked.

"Hey, some people are just born to be single and have one night stands, but you my friend, are not. If you really want her, go get her." Jen encouraged as we all stopped at the crosswalk.

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