The Other Side

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Miley's POV

I wanted to turn around and run into his arms and go home but that wasn't an option. I kept my strides confident as I neared the escalator and held my head high. Even though I hadn't even gotten on the airplane yet I was ready for this trip to over.

When I landed in the Oslo Airport, Gardermoen my breath was taken away when I saw the Norwegian landscape for the first time. The city of Oslo was ginormous, cars zipped by and the buildings almost reached the sky. The city was surrounded by mountains and the old buildings mixed with the modern day architecture was stunning. I felt like I was floating as I walked down the streets, taking in my new surroundings. The thrill of exploring surged through my veins and sent my heart racing with excitement. This was why I loved my job, I get to travel the world, eat exotic food, meet all kinds of people and take pictures.

I spun around in a circle with glee as I approached my hotel; I checked in and set my belongings down on my bed, leaving everything there except my camera and laptop. I decided that I'd get some pictures of the city life, also I could check out the restaurants since it was almost dinner time. With a grin on my face and my messenger and camera bag slung over my shoulder I ran out of the room ready to explore the great city of Oslo.

At twenty-three hours I retired to my hotel, feeling stuffed with my choice of dinner and dessert. I pulled out my suitcase and began to unpack, but first I was determined to find my pjs. I found my shorts, but I couldn't find the top even after I'd emptied my suitcase. I scolded myself, I could have sworn I'd packed one. I thought before my eyes fell upon a navy blue shirt with a note taped to it.

A little something to remember me by, have fun in Norway and send me lots of pictures.

The navy blue shirt was his pj shirt, I slipped it on and I could smell the scent Cody always had. The lavender laundry detergent I made him buy, mixed with a light fragrance of sweat. In my minds eye I could see him standing in the doorway with that stupid smirk on his face as he looked at me. I lay down on my bed shocked at how much space I had without him. I fought the urge to call him all day but I could no longer resist. I figured he'd be asleep by now, so I could leave him a voicemail. With that thought in mind I called his number, after three rings, and to my surprise, he picked up.


"Hey, it's me," I smiled.

"I've been waiting for this all day Johnson. How was the flight?" Cody asked.

"Good, long but good, how was your day?"

"Long, the house is to empty. It hasn't even been a day and I'm thinking I should make you fly home tomorrow." Cody joked.

I laughed sadly with him, "I know, I miss you too. But it's my job, I promise I'll send pictures. Did you see the others today?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Jen's a little upset she and I finished drinking at her place at ten. She says you need to come home."

I laughed softly at this, "she's funny, tell her I miss her too. I miss you all, oh man I wish you could see this place. Cody, Norway is beautiful, the city, the mountains, the rivers the culture, all of it is so incredible." I awed as I stared out the window overlooking the city.

"I believe it, you're looking out the window right now aren't you?"

"How'd you know?"

"You always get relaxed when you stare out the window, your voice is the same way." Cody observed.

"You know me to well Hauser, sorry I woke you." I apologized.

"Don't worry about it, like I said earlier, I've been waiting all day to hear you're beautiful voice Miles." His tone of voice grew deep and husky causing me to blush madly.

"Stop, don't use that tone," I giggled.

"I know you're blushing, god I wish I could see that."

"Cody, stop," I giggled like a complete moron.

"Miley Joy Johnson you're driving me crazy, I don't think I can go any longer."

"Stop flirting with me over the phone, we're not teenagers. And how do you know my middle name?" I crossed my arms.

"I have my sources," he chuckled.

I rolled my eyes, "whatever Hauser, well you have work tomorrow so I'm not going to keep you up any longer. I'll call you tomorrow."

"Ugh, screw work, talk to me about anything. Describe the hotel room, I just want to hear you speak." Cody tried to sweet talk me.

"No, I'll call you tomorrow. I love you Cody."

"Fine, I love you too Miles, goodnight."

"Goodnight Cody." I sighed as I hung up the phone leaving me alone on the other side of the world staring up at the cracking ceiling and listening to cars honking outside the room.

A/N: I'm gonna be completely honest, this chapter sucked. It's rushed and cheesy, but I had to use it as a placeholder. I promise they'll be better after this one. But I have decided to begin to write another story, starring Cody's little brother Jake Hauser. More details will come in later chapters but I'm really excited about it. Again, I apologize for the crappy chapter I promise they'll be better from now on.
Thanks for reading!!!

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