Start of Something New

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Cody's POV

"Hauser! Come see me on my office." Mr. Senior ordered. I exchanged weird looks with Jen and Ted before reluctantly leaving my desk to his office.

My palms began to sweat like crazy, Mr. Senior was a pretty nice guy, in serious, approachable way. I stopped at his door and hesitated before knocking. "Come in Hauser," his voice rattled my bones.

"Yes sir." I opened his light brown door.

Mr. Senior was sitting casually in his desk in his black leather chair. Not a single paper or pencil was out of place in his office.

He was unusually organized, "sit." He gestured to the dinky doctors office chair in front of his desk.

"Have I don't something wrong sir?" I rubbed my legs nervously, trying to think of anything that I'd said or done on screen lately.

"On the contrary, its quite the opposite. You've been doing a great job, you Jen and Ted. Our ratings are beginning to peak, the viewers love how you guys mess around with each other on screen. It's great." Mr. Senior replied.

"If you don't mind me asking, why did you ask for me personally?"

"Because, our station in New York needs me to send one of my announcers to a few meetings and broadcasts, it's just for a long weekend, you'd be back here by Wednesday if next week, leaving on Friday night, would you like to go?" Mr. Senior leaned forwards in his desk, his hazel eyes searching mine.

"Of course I'd like to go. But if you don't mind me asking, what about Ted and Jen? They do just as good as I do, they should get to go too." I suggested, trying to talk up my colleagues.

"I know, this was a difficult decision but I believe you have the best work ethic, and I know you'll stay on task and not let your mind wander away from the task at hand. But if you'd rather have me offer the position to someone else then I would." Mr. Senior looked unsure about his decision with me.

I rebounded quickly, "I was just wondering sir, but yes I'd be happy to go and represent the company, it'd be my honor."

"Great, the. We have a deal, it's all expense paid, except for meals, but we already have a hotel room booked and the plane tickets purchased." Mr. Senior seemed satisfied with himself.

"Great, I just have one question, could I possibly bring one of my... really good friends with me? Her sister lives out in New York and she hasn't seen her in a long time. I can pay for her expenses." I explained, hoping that he'd say yes.

Mr. Senior was quiet for a while as he pondered over my demand, "ok, she can accompany you, but you need to stay focused, this meeting is very important for the company. And we can pay for the tickets and the hotel room, that's not a problem. Just don't get distracted and we have a deal." Mr. Senior stood up to shake my hand. I smiled professionally and shook it.

"Thank you sir, I can assure you that you haven't made the wrong choice."

"I know I didn't. See you on Wednesday Hauser and good luck. I'll send the information about the tickets and the room to you later this evening. Have a nice night."

"Thank you sir, you as well." I waved as I left his office. I walked downtown he hall and Jen and Ted were awaiting my return at my desk with their coats in hand.

"What was that about?" Ted asked.

"Senior is sending me on a trip to New York for some company meeting." I answered truthfully, a part of me worried that they'd be angry at me about them not being able to go.

"Wow Hauser, Mr. Big guns is sending you on a trip. I'm happy for ya man." Ted clapped me on the shoulder.

"Yeah, the big apple, damn you're lucky." Jen punched my shoulder.

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