What I've Been Looking For

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Miley's POV

Today's the day! The day Jen returns from New Orleans! I'm really excited, I've missed her so much, I mean, it's been fun with just Cody and I. We've gone out with the rest of the crew a few times but everyone missed the lively energy Jen brings to the table. I was leaving to pick up Jen up at the airport around noon, I gave Cody a quick kiss goodbye before heading out the door.

I sang and danced in the car, when I'm super happy I get emotionally invested with my music, I wonder if anyone else does that?

I pulled into the arrival loop of the airport by terminal C and stood outside the car, searching for my best friend. "Miley!" I heard an excited voice shriek.

"Jen!" I jumped up and down like a little girl, the two of us rejoiced in a long embrace before we pulled away, to load the car with her baggage and I began to pester her with questions about her trip.

"How was New Orleans?"

"Oh my god it was amazing. The night life there is spectacular."

"You did get work done right?" I joked.

"Yes Miles, I did get work done. Lots of meetings and stats about ratings and such. But the parties at the restaurants downtown is where it's at." Jen put her feet up on the dash. "Miley! Wait, don't take that exit!" Jen shouted suddenly.

I swerved away, "why!?"

"Go pick up Addie, I've got something to show you guys."

"What is it?" I questioned.

"It's a surprise, now let's go get Addie!" Jen turned up the music to the song Meant to Be, by Florida Georgia Line. And needless to say we sang our little hearts out all the way to Addie's.

"Addie!" We cheered as she stepped into the car.

"Jen! Miley! Oh, Jen how was New Orleans?" Addie asked sweetly.

"Great, yes I got work done but the parties there were freaking awesome!" Jen laughed.

The three of us chatted and shouted over the music, "turn here." Jen pointed to the right.

I gave Addie a confused look in the rear view mirror, she returned it as we pulled into a driveway. The house was a small townhouse immersed in plants and flowers. I put two and two together and bursted with excitement, "Jen, are we going to open houses today?"

"Yep, is that ok with you guys?"

"Are you kidding? Of course it's fine. I actually love looking at homes. Is that weird?" Addie giggled.

"Nope, doesn't everyone like it?" I asked, I weirdly loved looking at houses too. I also need to get some ideas for my own place.

"Sweet, alright girls, let's go in." Jen, Addie and I wandered into the house to look around. Right away, none of us liked what we were seeing. The house wasn't updated, I don't think the owner had repainted the walls or updated the appliances for at least ten years. Jen, Addie and I exchanged 'no' looks, then heavily discussed the house in the car on our way to the next open house.

We explored a bunch of other apartments downtown and eventually we stopped for lunch at a cute little cafe. "Damn, finding apartments is much harder than I thought." Jen sighed as she swirled her coffee around in its mug.

"Yeah, maybe I'll just live in current place with Ted for the rest of my life." Addie joked causing us to giggle.

"Oh you'll get outta there. Before you know it you'll have kids popping up everywhere." Jen began to laugh, I tried so hard to contain mine but soon enough I was howling with laughter as Addie went scarlet.

"Who are you to talk Miley?" Addie shot me a serious look, but I could see a smile tugging at her lips.

Jen went silent, "what does she mean?" I felt my cheeks warming up and I stared at the ground. "No fucking way! You and Hauser... Miley, you dog!" Jen shook me.

"No, no we did not!" I denied.

"Liar, she lies Jen. She told me" Addie began ratting me out like a seven year old.

"She's the liar Jen," I fired back.

"Nope, you're the liar hermit, I can see it all over your face." Jen bumped my shoulder.
Addie and Jen giggled, I rolled my eyes but could no longer hold back the big grin.

"There's the smile, how was it?" Jen cooed.

"Are we really talking about this?" I groaned.

"Yes." Jen and Addie said in unison and sat at attention.

"Ugh, fine, it was... kinda fun." I admitted.

"I knew it!" Jen screeched with glee. "I knew something was going to happen between you two while I was away." I rolled my eyes and the three of us giggled and our topics of conversation flowed from one subject to the next.

"Do you girls mind if we look at one last place? Then I promise we'll be done." Jen said politely.

Addie and I agreed and the three of us drove off to a small condo complex about five walking minutes from the city. It seems to be that Cody inspired everyone with the condo purchase, and I could see why. Condos are much more spacious and are located in safer areas.

"Wow, I like this one already." Jen awed at the coffee colored condo enveloped in palm trees and flowers.

It was two stories with a one car garage, and it was far enough away from the city to where you can't hear the racket. When we walked inside the floors were tiled and the furniture was all new and updated, of course Jen would put her stuff in here but the house looked nice nonetheless. The kitchen was modernized with steel appliances and shiny granite countertops. There were two bedrooms, both upstairs with windows with the view of Las Angeles. Two of the three bathrooms were upstairs and off the master bedroom there was a small porch for Jen to sit outside and enjoy her coffee in the mornings. But Jen's favorite part of the house was the yard covered in various types of flowers all surrounding the centerpiece of the pool.

"It has a freaking pool! It's exactly what I've been looking for! Mine! Mine, mine!" Jen squealed with delight.

After we toured the house, Jen talked to the realtor about putting down a price and by seven-thirty we left the house and began to make the trip back home from our girls day out.

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