I rubbed the Hot chocolate scented soap between my hands and placed them under the running water. As I washed my hands the water stopped running. I looked down to see the water frozen. My hands were lathered in soap and I had to finish washing my hands.
I quickly headed to the downstairs bathroom and washed my hands before that faucet froze. I looked out the window, it wasn't snowy or too cold. It was spring.
"Peter do you know where MJ is?"
"So you are becoming good friends with MJ?" Peter asked.
"No-we'll I don't know but I need to talk to her."
"I don't know where she is." He told me. I sprinted off not saying another word. I eventually found her in the detention room with a notepad in her hand sketching.
"Listen, you don't need to be in here. You aren't in detention." The man told her.
"I know. I just like drawing people in distress, plus it really adds to the emotion when it's early in the morning." She chuckled.
"Michelle." I whispered. She looked at me.
"I need to talk to you." I told her. She sat there. I pointed my thumb behind me. She sighed and nodded gathering her things and following me.
"What is it?"
"I need to talk to you in private. Where no one else is."
"Well we're in a school. There's kind of people everywhere." She muttered.
"Outside. Follow me." I sprinted outside to the back where no one else was.
"Okay Emerson, why'd you drag me all the way outside and behind the school to tell me something? What is it?"
I hesitated for a moment. "I'm going to tell you something that you can't tell anyone else. It's top secret." She raised her eyebrows and smirked as if I were joking. "Seriously. Promise you won't tell anyone?"
"Sure. I won't tell anyone." She chuckled.
"I had a really high fever, I wasn't feeling well. I literally froze time, I burnt a hole through my blankets with my hands and I froze the water in the sink this morning. With my bare hands." It all came out so fast, I hadn't even thought about how I was going to say it before hand, it just fell out of my mouth.
She snickered, "So you think you have super powers or something?"
"Michelle, I'm serious. It's not a joke."
"If it's not a joke then show me."
"I don't know if I can. I don't know how to control them they just keep happening."
"Well something had to trigger them. And I'm not going to believe you until you can prove them to be real." She crossed her arms. She grabbed a water bottle out of her bag and handed it to me. "Freeze this."
I gripped it in my hand and closed my eyes tight. I felt the bottle get heavier, hard. I opened my eyes to see the water frozen and the bottle expanded. MJ dropped her arms and stared at the bottle with her eyes wide and her jaw dropping.
"How?" She stuttered. "When?"
"It was the first day I came here. I went home and went into this closet in my house, I've never been in it before. Something spilt on me and I didn't know what it was but I think it had something to do with these powers." She was speechless. "Michelle, you can't tell anyone." I reminded her.
"I won't, but you have to tell Peter."
"I can't." I muttered.
"Oh come on. Emerson."
"I can't tell anyone, I had to show someone and you're the only person I'm telling."
"So you hang around Penis Parker?" Flash walked next to me. I hugged my binder closer to my chest and rolled my eyes. "Emerson?"
"I'm not sure who Penis Parker is." I replied, not looking at him.
"Peter Parker." Ned moaned.
"Yeah. I hangout with Peter and Ned. They're awesome friends." I smiled looking at him. "I don't appreciate you calling him Penis Parker." I raised my eyebrow.
"That's what we all call him." Ned explained.
"I don't call him that. Ned doesn't call him that. Michelle doesn't call him that."
"You hangout with Michelle?" Flash chuckled.
"Why are you hanging out with them? They're literally the outcasts of the school." He stepped in front of my and looked at me so I'd be forced to look at him and stop. "Listen, you're new here. You don't want to be considered a nerd or a freak within the first week. Find some new friends." He smiled. "You could hangout with me." He winked.
I fake smiled at him. "I don't care what other people think of me based on who I'm friends with. I like Peter." After realizing I practically just confessed my love for Peter to Flash I had to fix it. "And Ned and Michelle. They're all great friends." I stumbled over my words.
"But Peter is such a loser. Like legos and nerdy stuff. Really?" Flash chuckled. I felt anger corse through my veins, I didn't like Flash making fun of Peter. Then I remembered, I have powers now. I closed my eyes shut trying to freeze time like I've done before. The loud halls went silent and Flash's annoying mouth stopped moving.
I opened my eyes to see the halls still and Flash with his mouth open about to blab about something and be a jerk. I looked around to see Peter and Ned looking at Flash and I. My smile faded. He had heard everything Flash said to me. I walked up to him and placed my hand on his cheek. It was soft and cute. I giggled to myself. I slid my hand off of his cheek slowly and looked at him. This was weird. This was awkward. I quickly turned away and walked back to Flash. Flash needed some sort of lesson, he needed to learn that being a jerk has its consequences. But how? Nothing harsh for sure but something to humiliate him. I stuck his finger up his nose. I rubbed my hands together as if I were dusting something off of them, then I picked up my binder and held it as I was before. I closed my eyes to un-freeze time and everything was back to normal. I heard the laughter from students in the hallway and when I opened my eyes I saw Flash quickly take his finger out of his nose.
"Find any gold up there Flash?" I smiled.
"Emerson, I don't even know how that happened. I don't remember sticking it in there." He stumbled over his words. "I-uh I have to go." He quickly walked away. I looked around to see Peter and Ned. Ned was laughing but Peter wasn't amused by it.
I walked up to them.
"Hey guys."
"How did that even happen?" Ned laughed trying to catch his breath. "Like one second his finger wasn't up his nose and the next it was." Peter rolled his eyes and looked at me.
"Hey Emerson." He smiled softly.
"Peter, seriously like how do you not think that's funny." Ned laughed friendly slapping his arm.
"I don't think it's nice to humiliate someone." Peter sighed.
"He humiliated himself." Ned responded.
"But everyone laughed at him. You wouldn't like it if that happened to you." Peter raised an eyebrow towards Ned.
"Oh come on Peter. He makes fun of you all the time. Why are you standing up for him?" Ned asked.
Peter's eyes lit up all of a sudden. "I just realized. There was no time in between him not picking his nose and then him picking his nose. Something's wrong, his hand can't just automatically move without anyone seeing it." Peter was suspicious but excited. He quickly looked at Ned. "I need to talk to you." He grabbed Ned's arm and pulled him into a classroom. "Be right back!" Peter yelled at me.
"Oh no." I thought to myself. Peter couldn't figure it out. He couldn't find out I have powers. I mean I trust him but I can't let anyone know, I don't want the word to get out.

Super Crush (Spiderman Fan-FIC)
FanfictionEmerson goes into the so called 'closet' her dad forbid her to go in. Something spills on her, it's probably just water though, right? Maybe not, Not when strange things begin happening to her. How long will she be able to keep it a secret? A secre...