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I felt hot tears build up in my eyes, blurring my vision. I felt rage build up in my. I felt my hands grow hot. I walked out of the bathroom and looked over the corner, him and her chatting and laughing. I leaned back against the wall and calmed down wiping my tears. I closed my eyes trying to freeze time. Like the times before everything stopped making noise. I walked up to him, frozen. I extended his arm with ice cream onto her face. Then I grinned, dusting my hands off. I grabbed my phone and left the shop, unfreezing time.


"Emerson! Babe! Where'd you go last night?" Liam walked up to me leaning against the locker next to Peter.

"That's weird. I thought you had forgotten I was there." I raised my eyebrow.

"Babe, I could never forget about you." He rubbed his hand through his hair smiling softly.

"Melanie would beg to differ." I mumbled under my breath.

"What?" He questioned, confused. "What'd you say babe?" By now everyone in the hallway was watching.

"K, stop calling me babe. I don't like that word." I began.

"You don't like the word babe?" He chuckled.

"Not when it's coming out of your mouth." I slightly looked at Peter. "Only from some guy's mouths." I looked back at Liam. He chuckled to himself. "Second of all you are a total player." I looked at my nails and into his eyes. "You said you loved me and you go on and ask another girl on a date while I'm in the bathroom." I stood up straight. "You are a jerk." I spit in his face. I slapped his face so hard he turned his cheek. He placed his hand on his bright red cheek and rubbed it looking at me angered. Peter looked tense.

Liam pushed me against the locker and held me down. He got so close to my face. "Nobody breaks up with me, I'm the one who ends the relationships." He whispered, his breath was minty fresh and his muscles were big. I looked back and forth between his eyes, only able to focus on one at a time, I didn't know what to say.

"Well she just did, bud." Peter pushed Liam off of me, making him fall onto the ground. I looked back and forth at the two of them. Liam looked mad, ready to attack and Peter looked frightened. I was surprised that a scrawny kid like Peter could push body builder Liam off of me.

Liam quickly stood up. "How in the heck do you just push me onto the ground? I could literally crush you." Liam began walking towards Peter. Peter held his hand out to stop him and Peter couldn't push through his hold.

"Liam, if I were you I'd leave Emerson alone and go mind your own business." Peter whispered.

Liam laughed. "You think you're better than me?" He grinned at Peter pulling his arm back ready to punch him. His arm swung towards Peter's face, I quickly closed my eyes. I opened them when nothing happened. Everything was frozen. Liam was frozen in place. I hadn't meant to freeze anything. Everything was frozen but me...and...Peter.

Peter stared at Liam startled and looked around at everyone frozen. I didn't know what to do. Before it froze Peter too, why didn't it work this time? He's going to find out. He looked at me and looked even more surprised when I wasn't frozen.

"Em-Emerson, what's going on?" His voice shook. I didn't say anything, I just looked at him nervously, unsure of what I should do. "Did you do this?" He questioned.

"How-how would I do this?" My voice stuttered.

"I didn't do it and you're the only other one who's not frozen." He replied.

"How could someone do this?" I questioned.

"People have superpowers. Just look at like the hulk, Ironman..." he looked at his shoes. "Spider-Man." He mumbled.

"Okay fine. I did it." I said. He looked at me kind of upset.

"Emerson, I totally could have took him you didn't have to freeze time!" He whined.

"Why didn't your freeze though? I've frozen time before and you froze." I asked confused.

"I don't know." He responded. "When did you get these powers?"

"Like right after the party."


"My dad's a scientist, I ran into one of his experiments and it spilt onto me."

"So you have powers to pause time?" He asked.

"And freeze water." His jaw dropped. "And...heat things up, or shoot fire out of my hands." His eyes widened. I nodded my head and then he looked down. He looked as if he wanted to tell me something.

"How long can you pause time for?" He asked.

"I don't know." He nodded and looked down as if he wanted to tell me something again. "Peter, do you want to tell me something?"

He looked up. "What? Oh no, I'm just thinking." His voice stuttered, then he smiled.

"Oh okay." I giggled blushing. He chuckled and looked down, blushing.

"Peter." My smile faded.


I ran into him, swinging my arms around his neck, placing my ear on his chest, listening to his heart beat giving him a hug. He hugged me back. "If my dad finds out I have these powers I could get into big trouble. And not only with my dad." I looked up at him into his deep brown eyes.

"Em." He smiled softly. He never called me Em before but I liked it. "Don't worry, I'll protect you." He kissed my forehead. My eyes widened, I was shocked for a moment, I watched as the pink filled his cheeks. I looked to see people begin moving slowly. I quickly pulled away from him. Everything was un-pausing. He kept looking at me until he saw Liam's fist finish moving. Peter caught his fist. I couldn't believe how strong Peter was. It was as if he had powers too. Liam looked shocked, he couldn't get past Peter's grip.

"Stay away from Emerson." Peter whispered through clenched teeth. "If I see you with her ever, you will regret it."

Liam chuckled nervously. "You're going to regret threatening me bud." Liam tried to pull his hand out of Peter's grip but he would let go. He pushed Liam who practically flew across the hall and slammed into the wall on the other side. Liam looked at Peter almost scared, he got up and smoothed his clothes and walked off towards the group of girls. I looked at Peter and blushed.

"Promise you won't tell anyone?" I asked. He smiled and nodded.

"I promise."

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