The Date

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"Can you believe you've already been here for three weeks?" Michelle questioned.

I chuckled, "no, it feels like longer than that." Michelle smiled.

"Liam. Can you take me tonight?" A loud and annoying high pitched voice could be heard behind Michelle and I. We both turned around to see a boy with several girls surrounding him. He was hot. He was muscular and had the most perfect jawline. His eyes were a bright blue and his blonde bangs swept across his forehead.

"Who's that?" I asked Michelle.

"That's Liam." She rolled her eyes. "He got here a week before you and he's literally the most popular guy here...and apparently the hottest."

"That's not wrong, he's so dreamy." I giggled, I started to get giddy. She looked at me and raised her eyebrow.

"Don't forget about your future husband, Peter." She teased.

"MJ, I only said he's hot. I never said he's my crush." I rolled my eyes.

"Well don't let his magic hotness spell take over you." She chuckled to herself. Liam looked over at me and smiled.

"Hey babes, I've got to go." He snuck out of the crowd of girls and walked up to me. "I'm Liam." He smiled, his thumbs in his pockets.

"Hi-I-I." I forgot my name for a second. "I'm Em-Emerson."

He chuckled and rubbed his fingers through his hair, Michelle rolled her eyes and leaned on her back leg, not pleased. "Emerson would you like to join me for ice-cream tonight?" He smiled softly. His teeth half showing. I quickly looked at Michelle. She looked annoyed by now.

"M-m-me?" I pointed at myself.

"Yeah, you Emerson." He smiled.

"I'll-uh-have to check with my dad. See if we had any plans." I felt like my eyes were wide opened, not blinking once.

"Here." He clicked his pen and took my arm, writing his number on my arm. "Text me." He winked and clicked his pen walking back to the group of girls. I turned to Michelle, she raised her eyebrow at me.

"Oh don't give me that." I chuckled.

"He's a player Emerson, he's a heart breaker. He's gonna break your heart." She crossed her arms.

"Just give him a chance." I whispered. We fully turned around to see Peter. His mouth was open, he looked hurt. Did I just accept a date from another guy in front of my crush? "Peter!"

He gulped and looked at his feet and shuffled them for a moment then looked up at me.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Never mind." He sighed and looked at his hands joining his fingers together and un-joining them. He looked back up at me. "I-uh have to go to my locker. I'll-uh see you later." He sighed. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out, I didn't know what to say. He nodded and walked away.

"Emerson." Michelle shook her head and clicked her tongue.

"What?" I looked at her.

"I think Peter was going to ask you something important." She shrugged.


"Dad! I'm home!" I yelled. No response as expected.

I walked into the kitchen and looked in the cupboard. I saw a box of popcorn bags. I grinned to myself. I quickly grabbed the box and ripped it open grabbing a bag. I placed it on the counter moving anything around it. I held my hand out. I closed my eyes. I felt my hands grow warm, then I heard the popcorn pop and then glass break. I quickly opened my eyes to see a hole burnt trough the bag, popcorn everywhere and a glass cup broken. I quickly threw the bag away and decided I'd clean the glass later.

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