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I walked up our driveway, there were several cars I've never seen before. Along with a big truck. I figured they were for my dad's job. I cautiously walked inside to see my dad pushed onto the table and a man placing hand cuffs on him.

"Dad?" I looked around at all of the people staring at me. All of a sudden something was placed around my neck. It was like a necklace but metal and bulky. It had a flashing light and I couldn't get it off.

"Emerson." My dad looked at me as he was smashed against the table. "I'm sorry."

Someone walked behind me and grabbed my hands pulling them into hand cuffs. A lady with glasses and her dark blonde hair stood in front of me with a pen and clipboard in her hand.

"Emerson Jones." The lady pushed her glasses up and analyzed me. "So you have powers. Is that right?" I looked at my dad and everyone else. How did they know? How did they find out. "Your dad found burn marks on the counter-"

"That could be from anything. That's in the kitch-"

"Yes, both faucets for two of the bathrooms were frozen. You had a high fever, abnormally high. It all adds up Emerson." She wrote on her clipboard.

"I have powers but it's because something split on me in that closet. I didn't mean for it to." I cried.

"Oh Emerson, I know you didn't mean for it to spill on you. But it happened and we have to do something about it." She narrowed her eyes towards me.

"What are you going to do to me?" I looked at my dad. "What are you going to do to him?" I still didn't understand what my dad did wrong.

"We're just going to learn how your powers work, just do some testing. Teach you how to use them too."

"What are you going to do to him?" I asked, tears streaming down my cheeks.

"He's just going to serve some time in our jail we have in the lab, learn from his mistakes. He'll be just fine Sweetie."

I closed my eyes trying to stop time but the weird collar thing on my neck shocked me. I flinched. "What is this?" I asked, demanding to know what it was.

"It stops you from using your powers." She looked at her clipboard and back up at me. "Each time you try to use your powers without our permission it'll grow stronger and the shock will be worst." I looked at her disgusted and then looked at my dad.

"What'd did he do?"

"He didn't follow directions." She looked at him and looked back at me. "That's all you need to know." She looked at someone next to me and nodded. they walked up to me with a needle or shot in their hand. They rubbed my arm with a wet napkin or something. "This will only heart a little." I tried to get away from them, tried to get out of the person who held my hands in handcuffs behind my back's grip. That only forced more people to hold me still. I closed my eyes and looked away. I felt the pointy needle poke into my skin. Then a band aid or something placed onto it. I felt myself get dizzy. I opened my eyes and everything began to blur, I felt my eyes get heavy. My eyes shut and everything went dark.


A bright light was shining in my eyes. I quickly sat up and rubbed my eyes. I looked around a room I was in. No one else was there. It was very plain. A white room with no windows. I sat on a bed with perfect and crisp white sheets. Next to me was a night stand and on the other side there was a desk and chair. There was a door with a small window on it, it only went to inside, wherever I was. I quickly placed my hands on my neck to feel for the collar, it was still there and the light continued to flash, the red light. I got off of my bed and looked out the small window on the door. The halls were grey and plain. People in lab coats walking down them. Eventually someone walked up to my door with keys in their hand. He had jet black hair and a lab coat. I jumped onto the bed and sat there watching the door, listening to the un-locking sound. He walked in and smiled. I didn't smile back. For all I knew was he wasn't a friend, he was an enemy.

"Emerson Jones." He looked at his clipboard. "It's time for dinner."

"Where am I?" I questioned, hatred in my voice.

"Don't worry about it. You're safe. We're taking care of you."

"Where's my dad?"

"Mike Jones is serving time for his mistake."

"What did he do?"

"It's none of your business, young lady." He walked up to me with hand cuffs in his hands.

"What did he do?" I screamed, tears running down my cheeks.

"He refused to let us take you. Bring you here." He said finally. I looked at him confused. "I understand that you are scared. You don't know where you are or what's going on but you don't have to be. You are safe here." He reassured me. But that didn't help. I could tell he didn't care about me. I could tell he was lying. As he walked on the other side of the bed, behind me to place handcuffs on me I looked out the door. There was a girl about my age. She had ginger hair that went past her shoulders. Her eyes were unusually bright green. She had freckles that were scattered across her nose and cheeks. She wore a gown. Like a doctors gown and the weird collar I wore. A man was behind her, her hands were tied into handcuffs. She flinched after the collar buzzed.

"Elora, you can't use your powers when you have the collar on. It's going to get worst. You should know that by now. The man said. She looked at me, her eyes slowly faded from the bright green to a dark forest green. They walked past until I could no longer see them. I looked down realizing I was in a doctors gown as well.

"Let's go. The man demanded.

"I'm an experiment?" I asked him, tears blurring my eyes.

"No." The man replied quickly, avoiding eye contact with me. "Just a test subject." He helped me up and followed behind me, out of the room.

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