Chapter 1 ~ Scared

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You were in your apartment bedroom. Looking through you favorite blogger's most recent post. You continued to scroll down reading word by word. Until you saw it. An advertisment for Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rentals. "Wait, what?" You clicked on the advertisment. "Why does all this look so familiar?" You tried your hardest to remember where you had last seen the logo of the place, but you couldn't remember. You gave up and just checked the pay. "Ooh, 200? Nice." You clicked on the apply icon at the bottom of the page.

After making quite a few phone calls, you got the job. "Okay, thanks for joining. At the end of your shift every week, you'll be paid $200. You start tomorrow night at 12am. Good luck!" The guy on the other line then hung up. I needed the money. Trying to survive alone in my own apartment in college isn't so easy.  My parents wanted me to be more independent and made me get my own apartment really early. You lay on your bed and checked the time on your phone. "10:56." I should probably go to sleep. I need to be rested for tomorrow.

The next day...

You woke up and checked the time on your phone. 10:47. You woke up late. Good, the later you wake up the better, for more energy later on tonight. You got up and walked to the bathroom. You brushed your teeth. Once you were done you went to go eat. You grabbed a Hot Pocket from the freezer.  You put it in the microwave for a minute and thirty seconds. (Small time skip.) After eating you got dressed for the day and went out to get more toiletries and food from the store.

(Time skip until 11pm.)

"So bored." You checked the time. "11:26?! Crap!" You quickly put your shoes back on and ran downstairs to your car. You through open the door of your car and stuck in the car key. You quickly started the car and reversed. You tried to reassure yourself. "Okay, Y/N, you're not gonna be late, you'll be there soon, and on time. You'll get to see so many fun things on the way there!" You paused. "Oh, who I am kidding? I'm gonna be so late!" You blurted as you tried to go faster. A couple minutes after that you finally got there. "Okay, run, Y/N, run!" You ran into the elevator that was there to your left. You quickly punched the button that takes you downstairs.

"I guess I'm not late. That's good." The elevator stopped and you heard a voice from the loudspeaker. Literally. It was really loud. It scared you, and you jumped and almost fell. You looked around while the voice, apparently named Hand-Unit, spoke in the background. You lifted up one of the posters and saw a face of one of the animatronics. You screamed and fell to the floor. You got up slowly and lifted up the poster again. You saw the animatronic again and your eyes widened. The animatronic's face plates twitches. "W-what the heck?" You whispered in a soft, whisper voice. You breaths became shaky as you became more and more worried about what you had just seen.

A little keypad came up scaring you even more. "Please enter your name as seen above the keypad." You tried to type but the keypad was to shaky to type anything. "What? Come on, you stupid thing!" You hit the side of the machine. "It seems you've had some trouble with the keypad. I see what you were trying to type, and I will autocorrect it for you." "Umm, okay?" You were so confused. "Welcome, Eggs Benedict." The keypad retracted back into the elevator. You laughed. "Hah! W-wait, that's not what I was trying to type!" About a minute passed with you in complete silence. "Umm, Hand-Unit?" No response. "Hel-" You were interrupted by Hand-Unit. "You can now open the elevator using that big, bright, red, and obvious button." You snickered. You crawled into the vent. "Allow me to fill this somewhat frightening silence with some lighthearted banter. Due to the massive success and even more so the unfortunate closing of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, it was clear that the stage was set, no pun intended, for another contender in children's entertainment. Unlike most entertainment venues, our robotic entertainers are rented out for private parties during the day. And it's your job to get the robots back in proper working order before the following morning." "Ah, so that's what I need to do. I don't think that was lighthearted banter though." You giggled.

You walked out the vent into this room.  "Well this isn't scary at all." You were being sarcastic, of course. There was a really creepy looking clock on the wall, and these doll heads on sticks that were blinking. You felt uncomfortable. "You are now in the Primary Control Module." It's just actually a crawl space between the two front show rooms. "Now, let's get started with your daily tasks. View the window to your left." You turned to face the left. "This is the Ballora Gallery Party room and Dance Studio, encouraging kids to get fit, and enjoy pizza. Let's turn on the light and see if Ballora is on stage. Press the blue button on the the elevated keypad to your left." You walked closer to the keypad and pressed the blue button. Ballora wasn't there. "Crap, where is she?" "Uh oh. It looks like Ballora doesn't feel like dancing. Let's give her some motivation. Press the red button now to administer a controlled shock. That should put the spring back in her step." "Wait, what? What if I make her mad? This isn't a good idea..." You squinted your eyes and looked away, then pressed the red button. You heard lightning shock and looked up slowly. "Thank god, I thought someone was going to be there and scare me." You checked the light again. "Agh! Oh, there she is. Good. Nice dancing, Ballora." You laughed and listened for Hand-Unit again. "Ex-Ex-Ex-Excellent." Hand-Unit's voice was distorted and glitchy. "What the?" "Ballora is feeling like her old self again, and will be ready to perform again tomorrow. Now view the window to your right." He said with is voice back to normal. You rolled it off your shoulder, as you thought is was just a minor glitch in the system. "This is the Funtime Auditorium where Funtime Foxy encourages kids to play and share. Try the light. Let's see-e-e what Funtime Foxy is up to." There it is again, another glitch. You clicked the light. She wasn't there. "Looks like Funtime Foxy is taking the day off. Let's motivate Funtime Foxy with a controlled shock." You clicked the red button. "This is getting boring." You clicked the blue light button. "There she is, good." "Looks like Funtime Foxy is in perfect working order, great job!"

Alright guys, so the story was getting really long and I needed to end it here. Sorry we didn't talk that much about Freddy in this one but the next time we'll definitely get to it. Thanks for reading!

Picture by: TheWinterColt on Deviant Art

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