Chapter 11 ~ Guilty

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(Play song when you start to play music with Freddy.)

       "Y-You good now?" "Yup." "So, do you mind telling me what you saw?" "Alright. So basically, I was running with one of my friends and I ran into this room where I saw an animatronic that looked exactly like Baby. Then I ran out and I heard screams and looked back inside. All I saw was blood. So much blood. Then I screamed and ran back out to my parents. And we left. We never went back after that." "Y-Yup. That's Baby's old r-restaurant." "Oh my god. No wonder this place looked so familiar to me when I saw the advertistment!" "How d-did you not remember i-it before?" "I was really young when it happened, and it's hard for the brain to recall memories from your early childhood." "O-Oh." "You okay, Y/N?" "It's a-a l-little late to be asking t-that, isn't it Bon-Bon?" Freddy said, chuckling. "Sorry, it's just that when I get scared I stay quiet. I only speak once I calm down." "Yeah, I'm okay Bon-Bon." "Good!" Bon-Bon yelled. "So, uh, what do you wanna do?" "I-I don't k-know." Freddy said. Baby barged in the Breaker room. "Y/N! Are you okay? You too, Freddy! I heard you yelling!" "Yeah, I'm okay. I just- remembered something." "Oh, you're okay now though right?" "Yeah." "Freddy? You?" "I'm g-good, B-Baby." "Okay. Let me know if something's wrong, okay?" "Okay." You said. Baby walked out of the Breaker room. You looked at Freddy and he looked back at you. "So w-what now?" "I don't know. I'm bored. Maybe I could go look for bodies." "Y-You could, but what i-if you g-get caught?" "Yeah, that's what I'm worried about. But there's nothing else to do." "I d-don't know. I-I'm worried, Y/N. Especially b-because of what j-just h-happened. Maybe y-you need to catch up on s-sleep." "Yeah, maybe. I have been feeling really tired." "Okay, take a-a nap, then." "Okay." You leaned against the wall and closed your eyes. Freddy gave you some space. You fell asleep.

A few hours later you woke up and Freddy was talking with Bon-Bon. "She's up!" Bon-Bon told Freddy, smiling. Freddy smiled. "Y/N! How d-did you sleep? D-Do y-you feel better?" "I slept well. And yeah, I actually do feel better. A lot better." "Good!" Freddy said. He stood up and helped you up. "What time is it?" "It's 3-3:29. You s-slept for q-quite a long time." "Huh, I did. I guess I really needed the sleep." "Y-Yup. What n-now?" "Hmm... I don't know. I'd say we go out, but, you know." You said. You both laughed. "Yeah. I can't w-wait until we g-get our bodies." "I know, Freddy. Me too. Oh! Hey! I have an idea! We should listen to music!" "Music? F-From y-your phone?" "Yeah!" "O-Okay!" Freddy said. You grabbed your phone and your headphones. "You can use these right?" You said, showing him your headphones. "I thi-nk s-so." "Okay, good." You said. You started to look for a song on your phone, which ended up being a love song. "Okay, so this song is called Eastside, it's uh- kind of a love song. Heh." You said, blushing. Freddy blushed. Bon-Bon giggled. Freddy put in one of the earbuds and you put in the other. You played the song. You bobbed your head to the music. Freddy looked at you. You smiled. "I l-like it!" Freddy said. "It's good, right?" You asked. Freddy nodded. You both continued to listen to the music. The song ended and Freddy clapped. You laughed. "It's my favorite song." "I-I can see w-why. It's really g-good!" "I'm glad you like it!" You said. "Um, I know it's still a bit early, but, I think I'm gonna go look for those bodies, now." "Oh, okay! B-Be c-careful, Y/N!" Freddy said. "I will, Freddy."

You walked out of the Breaker room after disabling the cameras. You walked through Ballora Gallery and into the vent. Then you walked into the elevator and out the building. You got into your car and drove. You just drove around. You drove through the worse part of your neighborhood, and surprisinly you didn't find anything. You decided to drive to a cementary. "Oh god. This is going to be gruesome. Or- at least- like- uncomfortable." You said, arriving to the cementary. "Okay, Y/N. Be strong. You got this. It's weird, but you've been through worse." You mumbled. You got out of the car and started walking through the cementary. You saw a two funerals happening. "Perfect." You whispered. You waited by a statue in between both funerals. You felt so bad for doing it, but you were helping Freddy. And Foxy, Baby, and Ballora. You were doing it for them. "It's so wrong. But it's for your friends. It's okay." You whispered. You waited until the funerals were done.

A few minutes later the funerals ended and everybody went home, crying. "Okay. let's do this." You said. Since it was about dark out, you just began to dig the bodies out. You continued to dig until you saw a face. You cringed. You kept digging until the whole body was shown. "Ugh. Okay." You dragged the body out of the hole and to your car. You opened the trunk and threw the body inside of your car. You looked around to make sure no one was watching. Then you walked to the other grave and did the same. Once you were done with that, you put the dirt you dug up back into the hole, and made it look as if nothing ever happened. You rinsed your hands in a nearby water fountain and drove back to your job. As you drove back you had a feeling of guilt. You felt bad for doing what you did. You just tried to think about how you were helping your friends.

You got back to the building and parked. You opened the trunk and attempted to drag both bodies into the building. You sucessfully got them into the elevator, but struggled to get them through the vents. You crawled through the vents while also pushing the bodies out of the vent. As you started to reach near the end of the vent, you started becoming very weak, and you could barely crawl through the vent. "Freddy! Ballora! Help!" You yelled. No one came. "HELP!" You yelled as loud as possible. There were a few seconds of silence before you heard a noise. It was the Breaker room door. You lifted and saw Freddy peeking out of the door. "Freddy! Help me!" You yelled. Freddy ran and knelt down in front of the vents. "Y/N! W-What h-happened?" "I... I got... the bodies... but... I'm so weak. I can't... I can't move. Everything- hurts." "O-Okay, Y/N, I'm g-gonna help y-you." Freddy said. He pulled out the two bodies that were in front of you. He pushed them aside. Your eyes started to close. You tried hard to keep them open. Freddy crawled into the vent far enough to be able to grab your hand. He grabbed it and tried to pull you out without hurting you. He pulled you out of the vent. Your eyes were closed but you were still consious. "Y-Y/N? Y/N!" Freddy yelled. You heard his voice fading in and out. You were slowly falling in and out of consiousness. "Y/N! Y-Y/N! A-Are you okay?" "Freddy, what's... what's happening?" You said, almost whispering. "I-I... I don't know, Y/N! I-I d-dont know what's going on! Are y-you okay?" Freddy yelled. "Y/N! No, n-no, n-no! P-Please! D-Don't do this, p-please! Y/N!" Freddy yelled, and again you heard his voice fading. But this time his voice didn't come back.

omgggg this chapter is so sad. i had writers block for most of this so i really hope you guys enjoy, it was hard to come up with an idea for this one.

Picture: unknown

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