Chapter 16 ~ Food

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       But now you can be with Freddy. That was all that mattered to you. "Hey, Baby, Ballora, I'm sorry but can Y/N and I have a second? Please?" Freddy asked, quietly. "Of course." Baby said, walking away with Ballora. Bon-Bon peeked out from behind the kitchen counter, listening to your conversation. You looked at Freddy with widened eyes. "Y/N, I-I... um..." Freddy stuttered. "Do you- ah, um- want to- g-go out with me?" Freddy asked, intensely blushing. You widened your eyes and smiled. "Yes, of course I do." You said, blushing, trying hard not to scream. Bon-Bon's eyes widened and smiled. He hid behind the counter and started giggling, but he tried hard to contain it. "Really? Oh my goodness. Heh. Wow." Freddy said, unable to control his words. "Yes, really." You said, laughing. Freddy smiled. He hugged you. You hugged him back. You hugged for a few seconds until you looked up at him. The both of you made eye contact. You kissed him. You felt yourself blush hard. Freddy quickly kissed you back. Bon-Bon peeked back out from the counter. He gagged, as a joke, of course, and smiled. Ballora looked at Bon-Bon and saw him looking at you and Freddy. Ballora then looked at you and he jaw dropped. She elbowed Baby and Baby quickly turned to her. "What?" She asked. "L-L-Look." Ballora answered, stuttering. Baby turned to see you and Freddy kissing. She widened her eyes. "F-F... Wait, where's Foxy?" Baby asked. Foxy walked out of a hallway. "I'm here, what did I mis-" Foxy said, seeing you and Freddy kissing. She froze in next to Baby, and her jaw dropped. You and Freddy stopped kissing. "I've wanted to do that for a long time." You whispered. "Me too." He whispered back. 

"Finally! That was nasty!" Bon-Bon said. You and Freddy laughed. "CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN THIS!?" Foxy yelled. "I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON!" Baby yelled. Ballora shushed them both. "Can the two of you explain, please?" Ballora asked with a low tone. "We don't have a problem with the relationship, we just want to know how it started. Don't let Ballora fool you." Baby said. "Yeah!" Foxy exclaimed. "Well, uh-" You and Freddy both said. You both started laughing. "Sorry, sorry. Well, it happened just now, uh, he asked if I wanted to go out with him, and I said yes. That's pretty much what happened." "Wait, Y/N, did you like him when he was an animatronic?" Foxy asked. "Uh, well, I mean, yeah." "Aw!" Ballora said. "And Freddy, did you liker her when you were an animatronic?" "I- uh, yes. I started to when we first met her." Freddy answered Foxy's question. "Wow!" Baby said. "You know, you guys actually look cute together." Ballora said. "I agree!" Foxy exclaimed. "I can't wait to see where this goes." Baby said. Freddy gently grabbed your waist and held you. You blushed. Bon-Bon gagged again. You laughed. "So, are we all roommates?" Foxy asked. "Yup! Um, who'll sleep where?" "Baby and I can take that." Ballora said, pointing at the couch. "The couch?" "Yes." Ballora replied. "Okay, what about you, Foxy?" You asked. "I can sleep on the floor, if there's no where else." "Are you sure?" "Yeah! It's okay!" "Okay, I'll try to find a spot for you, though. And Freddy and Bon-Bon can sleep in my bed, it can only fit two people but I'm sure we can make Bon-Bon fit." You said. "We still have along time until it gets dark, though." Baby said. "That's true. I can take you guys somewhere if you want!" You offered. Bon-Bon's stomach growled and he screamed. "Aah! What is that!?" He yelled. "Bon-Bon! Hey! Hey! It's okay, your stomach just growled. That means you're hungry." You reassured. Bon-Bon sighed with relief. "Maybe we should go get Bon-Bon something to eat?" "Okay! I'll take you all out to a nice restaurant! We can all eat." You declared, smiling. Everyone smiled. "Everyone ready to go then?" You asked. "Yeah!" Freddy exclaimed. You walked out of your apartment and into your car. Everyone followed you in. "Alright, let's go." You said, driving out of the parking lot and to the restaurant.

You took them to a restaurant called Chipote. (I'm sure you know it.) "So, this is Chipotle, it's a really, really good restaurant. And my personal favorite! Take a seat wherever you want!" You explained. "Is that were you order the food?" Freddy asked "Yup. Wanna come with?" "Of course!" He said, following you to the line. You waited in line with Freddy. "So, how do you like it out here so far?" You asked him. "I really like it. The best part is that I get to spend it with you, heh." He answered, blushing. You blushed. "Yeah, it's been so much better with you here with me. And them too, of course, but, mostly you." You said. You both laughed. "What should I get? I don't know what the food is like, and you do, so..." Freddy asked. "Hm. You could get a chicken bowl or the soft tacos with meat or chicken. Which sounds better to you?" "I'll try the- soft tacos with- meat." "Okay! You'll like it, I know it. I'll get Bon-Bon the same thing but with chicken, Ballora a salad, Foxy a meat burrito, and Baby- hm... A chicken bowl. " You said. Freddy nodded. The cashier called you up and you ordered your food. 

After you ordered and waited for the food, you and Freddy walked to the table that the others were sitting at. You set down the tray and passed out everyone's food. You finished and sat down next to Freddy. There was silence for a few minutes. You started eating while everyone was just staring at their food. "Uh, Y/N, how do we do this?" Freddy asked pointing at the fork. "Oh, shoot, I forgot! I'm so sorry, guys." You said. "I'll show Bon-Bon first, since he's the hungriest." You said, getting up and walking to Bon-Bon. "Okay, so grab the fork like this." You directed, showing him how you hold a fork. He repeated. "Okay, now try getting a piece of food with the fork." You directed. He tried to grab a piece of food by scooping it up like a spoon. "Try sticking the fork inside the food." You said. He stuck the fork into a piece of chicken and lifted up his fork. He gasped and smiled as he realized that a piece of chicken was on his fork. You gasped. "Good job! Now, when you eat it, stick the fork into your mouth carefully, because you don't want to poke yourself with it." "Okay!" Bon-Bon said, sticking the fork into his mouth slowly. He bit off the piece of chicken and chewed it. "Make sure you chew it right, okay?" "Okay." He said with his mouth full. He swallowed and giggled. "Good job, Bon-Bon!" You said, raising your hand to high-five him. He high-fived you. You then taught all the others the same thing, the same way. 

You were all halfway into your meals when you asked a question. "So, how do you guys like it up here?" "I really like it. And so far, the food is amazing!" Foxy said. You chuckled and nodded your head. "What about you guys?" You asked, looking at Baby and Ballora. "Well, first of all, Ballora's new favorite food are salads. Second of all, I quite enjoy it. It's much better and much more fun than being stuck underground." Baby answered. "I second that." Ballora agreed. "Like Baby said, this salad is really good. Also, it's nice to get fresh air, and the feel of the sun's warmth on my skin feels good!" She continued. "Bon-Bon? What do you think?" You asked. "Hm, well, I guess like Baby and Ballora said, the food is good. I like being able to run around! But... I miss getting to be with Freddy all the time." Bon-Bon frowned. "I know, Bon-Bon. Me too. But we still get to be together all the time. It's okay!" Freddy tried to cheer up Bon-Bon. "Yeah, I mean, he's right! You still get to be together all the time, just like before." You said. Bon-Bon smiled and continued to eat. "Do you guys- miss being animatronics?" You asked quietly to make sure no one heard you. "Sometimes." Freddy replied. "Yeah, sometimes." Baby agreed. Ballora and Foxy nodded their heads. "Yeah. Kinda." Bon-Bon said. "I'm sorry, guys." "It's okay! I just think we need to get used to it, that's all!" Foxy said. Everyone agreed. "Yeah, true!" You exclaimed. Bon-Bon and Ballora finished their food. While you, Freddy, and Baby continued to eat. "Hey, Y/N, what time is it?" Ballora asked. "It's 5:46pm." "Oh wow, we should go back home soon." "Yeah, we should. Luckily I'm almost done eating." You said. "Me too." Freddy said. Baby had just finished. You got up and threw everyone's plates and trash away and put the tray away on top of the bin. "Come on, guys." You said, holding the door open for them. They all walked out and into your car. You followed after.

REALLLY REALLY LONG CHAPTER SO I'M JUST GOING TO END IT HERE, OKAY? HAHA. hope you guys enjoyed it, it's a pretty good chapter I think. there might be like one or two more chapters after this, so it's almost over guys 😭

Picture: HonkinOo on DeviantArt

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