Chapter 3 ~ Funtime

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"H-Hello? Who's there?" You looked around and waited for another flash of light. "Hey, Bon-Bon, I t-think that's the b-birthday girl over there!" You squeaked and sat on the floor. You backed up into the wall and the animatronic moved slightly closer. "H-Hi there!" You screamed and ran out into a corner of Ballora's Gallery. "Crap, Crap, crap, this was a bad idea running out here." You saw the animatronic get interrupted by Ballora. You overheard them. "Freddy, what just happened? I saw a girl running out of your room, how did she get there?" "Ballora, she's the birthday girl! I have to talk to her! Plus she's really-" "Freddy, don't bug her. The poor thing must be scared, seeing all of us for the first time." Baby interrupted Freddy. "Okay, so that animatronic must be Funtime Freddy. And then that's Baby. Got it." You whispered trying to understand. "Can I at least approach her?" "Of course, Freddy. Just be careful." Baby responded. Freddy got closer to you. You put your legs to your chest to hide yourself. Bon-Bon detached herself from Funtime Freddy and came to you. "No need to be scared. It's okay!" Bon-Bon reassured you. "H-Hello! I'm Funtime Freddy. What's y-your name?" "U-Umm..." You looked up at him afraid to move or speak. "I'm s-sorry if I scared you earlier. I r-really didn't mean to." Bon-Bon ran up to Freddy onto his shoulder and giggled. "O-Oh. Right. This is Bon-Bon. He's m-my puppet. Baby came up slowly behind Freddy. "Hello. I'm Baby. Nice to meet you. Sorry if Freddy over here scared you. He can get pretty excited." Ballora came up. "Yes, one time he scared me and Baby and our face plates nearly fell off." "Wait, really? Aww, now I feel guilty." Freddy frowned. Funtime Foxy came in running at me. I screamed and covered my face with my hands. "Foxy!" Freddy jumped and stopped Foxy from getting to me. "Who's that? I need to see, I need to see!" "Okay, j-just don't scare her. I scared h-her and now I feel bad about it." Freddy told Foxy shyly. "I-It's okay." You said quietly. Everyone stared at you. "What?" Baby asked. "Freddy. It's okay. I forgive you." Freddy's eyes turned bright pink. Bon-Bon giggled. Freddy walked up to you and helped you up. You grabbed his hand and you pulled yourself up. You blushed. 'Why am I blushing?' You thought. "So, what's y-your name?" Freddy asked. "Umm... Y-Y/N." "Wow. Y/N. Beautiful name." Freddy smiled. You giggled along with Bon-Bon. Bon-Bon whispered something in Freddy's ear and his eyes turned a bright pink. Freddy then whispered something to Bon-Bon and Bon-Bon groaned. "Umm, what was that about?" Foxy asked. "N-NOTHING!" Freddy yelled. Bon-Bon laughed. The others laughed while you stayed confused. "So... I should probably get going. I need to go home." You told the animatronics. "Wait. We still need to reboot the power." Ballora reminded you. "Don't worry, I'll handle it. You can go home, Y/N." Baby smiled. "Thanks, Baby. Umm, I-I'll see you guys tomorrow?" The animatronics smiled and Freddy's ears twitched.

You went through the vent and into the elevator. "They're kinda scary, but I think once I get used to them they'll get better around me. Wow." You got into your car. "Why was I blushing around Freddy? It's not like I like him or anything. I can't like him. He's an animatronic. A robot. With human intelligence, which is also really weird. I'm a human. We can't be together even if I wanted to." You were so confused with what you were feeling. An animatronic, and a human. No way. Never. Maybe? Possibly? Ugh. You tried to take your mind off of it by turning on the radio. F/S (favorite song) was on. You started to smile and tap your hand on the steering wheel to the beat of the song. You hummed to the rhythm of the lyrics.

Once you were home you got changed into your pajamas. The time was 6:38, so decided to sleep for awhile. After a couple hours passed, you woke up scared, breathing heavily. You got up and check the time. 10:48. You clutched your chest in relief realizing the dream wasn't real.

You were walking through the Breaker Room in complete darkness. A light flashed and you ran to it. Another light flashed and you were face to face with Funtime Freddy. It scared the crap out of you, and you suddenly woke up. The dream felt so real, although it wasn't. You got out of bed, breathing shakily. You did your normal routine, and started eating. You got dressed and went out to your car. Your friend F/N had invited you to hang out at your guys' favorite frozen yogurt spot. You drove there listening to music. You tried not to think of your dream.

Once you arrived you greeted you friends. Your two friends F/N and F/N were there. You all grabbed some frozen yogurt and sat down. "So how's your new job? It must be lots of fun." F/N asked sarcastically. "Actually, it's going pretty well. It's not as bad as it seems." You said. "Hmm. Sure." Your other friend said. You all laughed. "Seriously though. All that's bad about it is the loneliness." You continued. Minutes pass while you and your friends continue to laugh about memes. You finished your yogurt. "Alright guys. It was nice to hang out, but, I gotta go." "What? You're leaving already?" F/N asked. You nodded and walked out the place. You stepped into your car and sighed. You tilted your head back. "I wonder if I could go to work early." You smiled and started taking the route you'd usually take to go to work. You doubted it'd be open since it's still the afternoon, and you shift doesn't start until 12, but you tried it anyway. You had nothing else to do anyway.

"Almost there. I doubt this place is even open." You sighed as you pulled up into the parking lot. You ran to the door and you saw no sign. "Please be open, please be open." You got the key and unlocked the door. The lights were on and the elevator was powered up. You got into it and pressed the button. "Oh, thank god." You started thinking why you came anyways. You pressed the red button and got out. You crawled through the Ballora Gallery Vent and heard the womanly voice again. "Motion trigger, Ballora Gallery Vent." "Shush!" You whispered.

You got out the vent and lights were on. "Y/N? What are you doing here so early?" Ballora asked.  "U-Umm, I wanted to start my shift early." Bon-Bon came out running. He gasped then ran back into the Breaker Room. "Freddy! Look who's here!" Bon-Bon yelled in a singsong voice. Freddy walked out and turned to see you. His eyes turned bright pink. "O-oh! Y/N! I-I didn't know you were c-coming." Freddy stammered. "Umm. Yeah." "Look, Y/N, you don't need to be scared. Please. Trust me. We aren't going to hurt you." Baby reassured. "Yes. Y/N, please do not be afraid. You're safe here." Ballora added. "Okay." You paused. "I-I trust you guys. And I'm sorry for being scared. I just don't want to get hurt." Freddy a bit came closer. "We a-are never going to hurt you, Y-Y/N." His voice glitched. "Does your voice always glitch like that?" You asked shyly. "Yes." "So, Y/N, I know this a weird question to ask you, but, do you think you could get us bodies?" Baby asked. "B-BODIES?" You screamed. "Wait! Let me finish. We need them to get out of here." "Wait, what? So are you guys trapped down here or something?" Baby nodded. "Oh. So, what kind of bodies?" "Human ones." "Oh, boy. That seems, a bit crude... I don't know how I'm gonna get human bodies." "I'm sorry, Y/N. But we need to be freed. You're the only one that can help us." Baby apologized. You looked around at all the animatronics including Foxy who walked in while you were talking to Baby. They all looked at you with worried faces. You sighed. "Okay. I'll try." Everyone smiled and Bon-Bon started running up to you. "Whoa!" He plopped himself on your shoulder and you laughed. Freddy laughed and walked closer to you to grab Bon-Bon.  He grabbed him and Bon-Bon whispered in his ear. He widened his eyes but then looked at you and smiled. You and Freddy giggled.

I really liked this chapter! It was fun to write. Honestly guys, I'm really excited for this book, I hope you guys are too. 

Picture: Dragonpopfruit on DeviantArt

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