Chapter 7 ~ Surprise

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"You ready, Y-Y/N?" "Ready, Freddy." You and Freddy waited for a few minutes. About 15 minutes later, you and Freddy heard the elevator. "They're here." "D-Don't be scared, Y/N. I-I won't let them take you away f-from us." Freddy said. A few seconds later the elevator stopped. Your heartbeat got quicker. Freddy looked at you. He leaned down and put his hand on your arm. "It's going to be okay, Y/N." He smiled. You smiled back and nodded. "Is that one of them?" "Yeah, I think it's the fox. I can't tell." "Is the ballerina thing there?" "No, I don't see her." You heard the maintenance guys speaking. It sounded like only two of them talking. "What about the bear?" "Eh, he always stays in the Breaker room. But stay focused, we need to find the girl." "She's probably not even here. Maybe the cameras glitched. Or they just didn't capture her leaving the building. This place's got terrible reception." "That's true, but we still have to look." They continued to talk. Freddy looked back at you. You looked at him, worried. 'Where are the others?' You thought. You could hear the footsteps getting closer. "What the hell is that?" You suddenly heard a loud screech and one of the men yelled. The other ran past the Breaker room. You heard footsteps of one of the animatronics getting quieter. It was probably Foxy. Then you heard footsteps of the other man. "Shit." He said quietly. You heard the Breaker room door open. You widened your eyes. Freddy's face plates twitched and were open slightly. The lights began to flash off and on. The man walked further in. "H-Hey, Bon-Bon, I t-think that's the birthday boy over there! We should g-go give him a surprise!" Freddy said, his voice echoing. "What?" The man said. "I s-see you over there in the dark! C-Come on out!" "Freddy?" "Hehe, that's me!" Freddy said. While the room was dark, Freddy moved closer and closer to the man. Once he was close enough, Freddy yelled; "Bon-Bon, go get em'!" Bon-Bon scared the worker and Freddy screeched loudly. 

You got a bit scared, since that hadn't happened to you since your first night. You peeked out just a little bit and saw the man unconscious on the floor. "Are you okay?" You asked Freddy. "Y-Yeah. Are y-you?""Yeah." You stood up and walked to Freddy. You looked at the man. "He's still alive." You said. Baby opened the door. "Y/N, are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm okay." "How is he?" "Still alive." "Can I kill him?" "Yeah, sure. Just- not in here." "Okay." Baby said. She started to drag the man out of the Breaker room. You looked at Freddy. "Good job guys!" You said, smiling. "T-Thank you, Y/N!" "Thanks!" Freddy and Bon-Bon said. "Do I still need to complete my shift?" "I don't k-know. Maybe you s-should take a break t-tonight!" "Yeah, I should." You said. You walked to a wall and sat down. Freddy sat next to you. "I'm surprisingly not tired." You said. "Want to watch a movie?" You asked Freddy. "Sure!" He said. You grabbed your phone as opened Netflix. You scrolled through until you found a movie both you and Freddy wanted to watch. You put on the movie 'Poltergeist', which you warned Freddy is a horror movie. You stood up your phone against a pole and got comfortable with a blanket. You and Freddy started to watch the movie. 

(Time skip)

30 minutes into the movie, you started becoming tired. You leaned on Freddy and closed your eyes. You smiled and listened as the movie continued. Freddy's face plates twitched and he smiled. As you were trying to fall asleep, you were thinking about everything Freddy as done for you. How much he's helped you. How he's always tried to make you happy. How he's protected you. You felt bad for not returning the favor,  like, not doing anything for him for helping you. Then you fell asleep. 

(The next day) You woke up leaning on Freddy, his head leaning on yours. You tapped on Freddy's cheek. "Freddy. Wake up." You said smiling. Freddy woke up. "Hi." You said softly. "H-Hi, Y/N. G-Good morning." "G'morning." You said standing up. You stretched out your hand to Freddy to help him up. He grabbed your hand and pulled himself up. "Thank y-you." "Of course." You said. Freddy activated Bon-Bon. "Hi Bon-Bon! Good morning." You said. Bon-Bon waved to you. "Hey Freddy, I'm going to go talk to Baby about last night, wanna come?" "S-Sure!" Freddy replied. You walked out with Freddy, this time you held the door open for him. You looked around for Baby and saw her in Funtime Auditorium with Foxy. You and Freddy walked up to them. "Hi Foxy, hi Baby." "Hi guys!" Foxy said, her tail wagging. "Hi Y/N." "So Baby, uh, how did last night go?" "Very well! We have two bodies now. We have one for Funtime Freddy and Ballora, but we need three more." "I g-get a body!?" Freddy asked loudly. "Yes, Freddy!" Baby said. "Wait, three more?" You asked. "Yes, one for me, one for Funtime Foxy, and one for Bon-Bon. For Bon-Bon though, we might need a kid's body, because an adult body might not work for Bon-Bon." Baby explained. "A kid's body!?" You yelled. "Yes, I know, it's very dark to have to get a kid's body. Maybe try to find just the youngest you can find, if it's not a kid." Baby said. "O-Okay, got it." You said. "How are you, Foxy? I haven't talked to you in awhile." "I'm good! I feel really happy!" "I can see that!" You said, chuckling. "Hey, Y-Y/N, I had an i-idea. Later before your s-shift starts, maybe we could all h-hang out. You know, you, m-me, Baby, Foxy, and B-Ballora. Only if you want, t-though." "Actually, that sounds really fun. Good idea! Okay. That sound good with you guys?" "Sure!" Foxy and Baby said. "Alright, then we'll meet outside the Breaker room at around 10pm?" You asked. Everyone agreed and you and Freddy went back to the Breaker room. "I'm excited for tonight, Freddy! That was a really good idea!" "T-Thank you, Y/N! W-What should we do now?" Freddy asked. You thought silently for a second. "Watch a movie?" You asked excitedly. "Okay! Y-You know, Y/N, you got me t-to really enjoy movies." Freddy said. You smiled. "Good, I'm glad. I love movies. I can watch the same ones over and over again." You said, searching for a movie. You decided to put on 'Fast and the Furious'. "So this movie is really good. There are eight parts to it!" You said. "I'm guessing i-it's about cars?" "Yeah, it's about like racing, but it's more interesting than it sounds." You laughed. "There's some romance, too." You continued. "R-Romance!?" Freddy stuttered. "Yeah, there's just a few kissing parts." You explained. You and Freddy blushed. Bon-Bon detached off of Freddy's hand. He jumped in front of both of you. "Why are you guys blushing?" Bon-Bon asked. "B-Blushing? I'm not blushing!" You said. "Y-Yeah, me n-neither!" Freddy said. Bon-Bon laughed. "Let's just- watch the movie." You said, subtly smiling. "Yeah, let's watch it." Freddy eagerly said.

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