Chapter 15 ~ Figures

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⬆️ this is similar to what human funtime freddy looked like, just without the bear ears. :) 

       It's been two months. Only a few more days. You were so excited. You recently had noticed yourself becoming more happy. You were just coming back home from work, it being Friday made you even happier. You jumped onto your bed and sighed happily. You went on your phone to check your favorite social media. You smiled the whole time. You starting sleeping, even though it was only 8:38pm, to make the time pass faster. You fell asleep quickly.

       You woke up and immediately checked your phone for important notifications. All the way at the bottom you saw an email from the management of your old job. You quickly opened it and it read; 'Hello, Y/N L/N. Thank you for informing us. Although, if another problem arises, please inform us next time. There is something we'd like to inform you about, though. There is a problem in the building. We sent a maintenance person to check on the animatronics, but we couldn't find them anywhere. Since you've been there longer, we are asking you to please go and look for the animatronics. Please look for them as soon as you can. Thank you.' You gasped. You immediately went to get ready. You took a shower, quickly ate breakfast, and changed. You ran out of your apartment and into your car. 

       You drove as fast as you could. As you approached the building, you saw five figures standing in front of the building. You pulled over your car. You got out of your car and walked quickly to the figures. You walked and found yourself standing in front of all of them. Your jaw dropped, realizing that Baby, Ballora, Freddy, Foxy, and Bon-Bon were all standing in front of you. You look at Freddy. He smiled. You smiled and ran up to him. You hugged him. "I missed you so much." You whispered. "I missed you too, Y/N." He whispered back. He sounded just like he did before, but without the stutter and more humane. You let go of the hug. Bon-Bon looked at you and Freddy and smiled. You backed up to look at all of them. "Wow. I missed all of you guys so much. And you all look great!" You said, nearly crying. You looked at Bon-Bon. He was a little boy, maybe around the age of seven or eight. He was wearing a light blue stripped shirt and dark blue pants, and he had a small red bowtie around his neck. "Oh my- Bon-Bon!" You exclaimed, starting to cry. You kneeled down and opened your arms. Bon-Bon ran up to you and jumped into your arms. You lifted him up and spun him. You set him down gently. "How do I look?" He asked, same voice as last time. "Adorable." You said. He smiled and ran back next to Freddy. You looked at Baby and Ballora. Baby had large, red, pigtails and freckles. She was wearing a short, puffy dress and had green eyes. Ballora was tall and wore a purple crop top and magenta skirt. She had lots of mascara and eyeshadow on, gold earrings, and pink lipstick. She also wore a bun and had purple hair. "You both look so beautiful." You said, smiling. "Thank you, Y/N. It's really nice to see you again." Ballora said. "You too!" You said. Baby smiled. You walked to Funtime Foxy. "Hi Foxy!" You exclaimed. She had very blonde hair with light pink highlights. She had pink lipstick and pink nail polish on. She wore a white sweater with a pink shirt underneath. She had white shorts on and red bowtie around her neck. "Hi Y/N! I missed you!" "I missed you, too, Foxy!" You smiled. You walked to Freddy. He had a black bowtie around his neck and a light pink and white button up shirt. He had a top hat with a purple stripe on it and white pants. He had light blonde hair with small hints of light pink in it. He has blue eyes, as well. "You look really h-handsome, F-Freddy." You stuttered and blushed. Freddy blushed. "A-And you look very beautiful, Y/N. You always have." He said, looking nervous and self-conscious. You chuckled. "Thank you." You said. You backed up to look at everyone again. "You don't know how happy I am to see you guys again." "Us, too!" Foxy said. "Oh, Y/N, I came up with ideas for human names for us. I was thinking Baby could be Bailey, Bon-Bon could be Bowie, Foxy could be Roxy, and I could be Bella. And of course, Freddy's name would stay the same, since his name is already normal. Does that sound good?" Ballora asked. "Yeah, that's great! I'm just going to have to get used to calling you guys those names." You said. "Um, I need to email the management." "Why?" Freddy asked. "They emailed me saying that the animatronics were missing, so they asked me to come check the building." You answered. "What are you going to tell them?" Baby asked. "I'm just going to say 'Hello management, unfortunately I was unable to locate the animatronics. The last time I had seen them they were all on stage, this time they were no where to be seen. I am sorry.'" You answered out loud as you typed. You sent the email to the management. "Alright. What now?" Ballora asked. "We could go to my house. I'll show you guys some new things." You said, smiling. "Okay!" Freddy said. You walked to your car and everyone followed. 'This is so amazing!' You thought. Freddy sat in the passenger seat next to you and Bon-Bon sat in between Baby and Ballora in the back. You drove to your apartment.

You arrived at your apartment and got out the car. "Come on, guys." You said, excitedly. "This is your...?" Freddy asked. "Apartment." You answered. Bon-Bon walked with you and Freddy and Baby and Ballora walked behind. You walked to your apartment room. You unlocked the door and held the door open for everyone. Everyone walked in slowly and looked around. "You guys like?" You asked. "It's very nice!" Ballora said. Freddy walked around the whole house. "What's this?" Freddy asked pointing at your laptop. "Oh, that's my laptop. It's just like my phone, but bigger." "Oh, okay. Can I open it?" "Sure." You said, walking towards Freddy. Freddy slowly opened your laptop and noticed the background. He smiled brightly. You noticed Freddy's reaction to the photo. "Oh, heh, yeah. I put the picture we took as my background screen." You said. "I really like it! It's a good photo." Freddy exclaimed. "Thanks!" You said. Bon-Bon walked over and looked at the photo. He smiled. "It's my old self!" He exclaimed. "Heh, yeah, it is." You said. "Sometimes I miss it." Bon-Bon frowned. "Me too, Bon-Bon." Freddy said. "But, hey, guys, think about it this way; if you're in these bodies, you get to go out, and see new things." You said. "You're right!" Bon-Bon said, reaching out to hug you. You kneeled down and hugged him. He let go and ran to go explore the rest of the apartment. Ballora turned around and saw the photo. She walked over and looked at it. She then looked up at you. "Is that the photo you took last time you were with us?" "Yeah. I really missed you guys, so I set it as the background on my laptop, here." "I like it. It's nice." Ballora smiled. "Yeah. It is." You said, looking at the photo. Baby walked back into the room. Ballora turned around to look at her. "Ah, Baby, come here for a second. You should see this." Ballora said. Baby walked over to your laptop and saw the photo. "Aw, I remember this. This was the day you left." "Yeah." You said. They were all looking at the photo. You looked at all of them and started to remember when they were animatronics. You miss when they were animatronics, too. But now you can be with Freddy. That was all that mattered to you.

AAAAAAAAH SUPER LONG chapter but i hope you enjoyed anyway. also, NO THIS IS NOT THE LAST CHAPTER, i have a few more coming up after this :)

Picture: HonkinOo on DeviantArt

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