Part 1, Chapter II

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I teleported back to the manor and appeared in my bedroom. I walked towards my closet and opened it to pull out a backpack. I opened the bag and saw a bunch of cash inside before closing it.

I walked towards the door to leave my room. When I opened the door, I heard voices from downstairs. I looked down the staircase and saw two men in black suits talking to Claudia. I widen my eyes and silently rushed back to my room. I ran to the window to look outside and saw more men in black by black cars.

"Shit!" I exclaimed silently. I grabbed my bag and focused my powers to teleport away from here.

"Bang! Put your hands where I can see them!" I then realize I teleported right in front of the CIA agents. When one of the agents approached me: I grabbed him and threw him at the other agents and started running.

I heard the agents firing their gun at me, making me sprint faster. I looked behind me and saw the cars speeding towards me. I tried to teleport again, but it didn't work. I saw the car getting closer. I tried teleporting back as I felt energy surround my body as it warps me to another location.

I appear in front of John's Hardware Store again. I walked inside to see John at the counter. He looks at me. "You look grim, kid."

"They came to my house!"

"You sure they weren't there to interview you?"

"I'm serious, John!" I exclaimed. I walk towards him, "my powers weren't working either. I can't always teleport by command for some reason."

John grabs a metal looking belt with some glowing-blue button on the belt buckle and hands it to me.

I took the belt and looked at it. "What is this?"

"Cloaking device."

I looked at the belt, then looked back at John. "I don't need that! I need your help with controlling my superpower!"

John sighs and looks at me. "The only way for you to control your abilities is to find your willpower."

I rolled my eyes at him. "What's with the hippy shit? I thought you were a scientist?" That comment made John make a dumbfounded face, "Can't you just make me some device to help me?"

"Do you like needles?"


"Then figure out how to control it yourself," John said, sitting down on a chair.

I look at the belt and put it on. I walked towards the mirror and pressed the button on the belt buckle. When I looked in the mirror, I was invisible. I saw everything that was behind me, except myself.

I pressed the button, and I was visible again. I gave the belt back to John. "Thanks, but no thanks," I said before heading towards the exit.

He looks at me and nods. The blue Slime on his shoulder waves goodbye at me, causing me to let out a chuckle before leaving the building.

Everette, Washington

I teleported here to find an old friend. I was downtown, and I looked around. I stopped in front of a Chinese restaurant and entered inside. I looked around, seeing some Chinese workers and white customers. I walk towards the counter where an old lady was standing behind. "Excuse me."

The older woman looked up at me. "Yes?"

"Is there a Nolan Chan working here? It's urgent."

The older woman nodded and pointed to the door leading to the kitchen. I thanked her and walked into the kitchen. I looked around, seeing cooks cooking. While I looked around, I saw my friend Nolan shouting in Mandarin at the workers. Nolan is a few years older than me. We went to the same high school. After he graduated from Culinary School, he left to work at his aunt's restaurant and became head chef.

He notices me and gives me a welcoming smile. "Bang? You crazy bastard!" He chuckles. I chuckled as well and walked towards him.

"Been a while, Nolan."

"What are you doing here?"

"I need to ask you something."

"Alright, then. Spill it."

"Can I stay at your place?"

"What?" Nolan asked, sounding a little surprised. "Aren't you supposed to be a multibillionaire?"

"Look, I'll explain later. Please help me." I begged, sounding desperate, which made Nolan make a pained expression.

"Fine," he takes out a key from his pocket. "Here's my spare key."

I took the key and looked at him, "why do you have two keys?" I asked.

"I don't want to end up losing another one."

Later. I was in Nolan's condo. The place is lovely. I sat on the couch and took off my backpack, placing it beside me. I opened the bag and looked inside of it. I looked at the two batons John gave me. I closed the backpack and pulled my phone out of my pocket. I turned it on and started dialling my brother's number. I put the phone to my ear and waited for an answer.

Cardo answers my call.

Cardo: Hello?

Bang: Hey. Did your voice get deeper?

Cardo: Y-Yeah?

Bang: I just wanted to know if-

Before I could finish my sentence, I heard a muffled voice from his line.

Bang: What was that?

Cardo: It's nothing.

I started to hear bones cracking and something fleshy being hit.

Bang: Are you sure?

Cardo: Bang, I'm fine. I'm always fine. Where the hell you anyways? Claudia is getting worried.

Bang: I'm fine. I'm in Everett to visit a friend.

Cardo: Alright. Take care of yourself.

Bang: Bye.

I hung up and put my phone down on the coffee table, wondering what was going on with Cardo.

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