Part 5, Chapter II

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"Mister Bang?"

I continued pacing back and forth across the room, trying to think of an escape plan. These walls seem to be as hard as steel, and the collar is locked around my neck, there doesn't seem to be a keyhole on the collar. It's probably remote activated or something.

"Mister Bang!"

I turned around to look at Juan who shouted at me. I sighed and rubbed my eyes. "I'm sorry, Juan. I can't think of any way to get out without my powers."

"Mister Bang, it's fine."

"It's not!" I exclaimed. "I was supposed to come and save you guys, but I just ended up getting caught."

"Don't bring yourself down, Mister Bang." Juan consoled.

"You don't have to call me 'Mister Bang'—Bang is fine."

Juan nodded and sat down with some other kids. I still can't believe the Man in Black had children kidnapped. Abnormal or not, these kids shouldn't be taken away from their families.

Washington, Seattle

Allison Walker knocked at the door of John's Hardware store. "Mr. Carter?!" She shouted, knocking on the door more. Later, John finally came and opened the door.

"We're closed, come back—" John recognizes Allison and rubbed his eye. "Oh, Miss Walker. What brings you here?"

"Can we talk inside?" Allison asked.

John nodded as a response and welcomed Allison inside of the store. Allison looked around the store. It was her first time being here. Allison looks at John with a grim expression.

"Do you know where Bang is?" Allison asked worriedly.

John looks at her with a sigh. "Didn't I give you a tracker on him?"

"It's not working!" Allison shouted. She began calming herself down. "The tracker is offline." She says calmly.

John looked at Allison, his facing showing a bit of distress. "Did he say where he went before he left you at the hospital?" He asked. Allison shook her head. "They caught him."

Allison widened her eyes at him, feeling fear and stress take over her body. "A-Are you sure?!"

"That stupid kid," John mutters to himself as he walked towards the backroom door. He then looks back at Allison. "Go home; I'll take care of this."

Allison shook her head. "No! I'm coming with you!"

John looks at her with seriousness in his eyes. "No, you're just a kid," he says to her, he was about to say more until Allison interrupted him.

"Mr. Carter, please!" Allison begs. "H-He helped me a lot before... I need to help him as many times as he has helped me in the past."

John looked down and sighed. He looks back up to face Allison. "You're a real pain in my ass, kid." He says as Allison chuckled softly. "If you get hurt, that's on you." He gestured Allison to go come with him to the backroom, which Allison happily did so. When going inside, she got startled by the muscular slime man.

Bang's POV

Someone's going to come. I hope it isn't Cardo that's happening. He may be sturdy but not tough enough to fight off people from the CIA.

The door of the room opened as two men wearing riot gear and holding stun batons. They looked at all of us then stared at a young girl with green hair. The two men approached her. "Let's go, 014!" One of them said as said person grabbed the girl's arm.

"Let me go!" The little girl shouts. I looked around and saw that the others did nothing, too scared to try and help. I looked at the man grabbing the girl with a glare.

"HEY!" I shouted and ran to the man, punching him in the face, causing the man to let go off the girl. The other man thrust his stun baton at me and electrified me with what felt like 200 milliamps. I screamed in pain for a few seconds then began to endure it. I looked at the man with a glare as he stared at me in shock. I grabbed the stun baton from his hand and electrocuted the same amount in the chest. After the man fell unconscious, the other man got up and attempted to swing his stun baton at me as I blocked it with the stick I had and then electrocuted him as well.

After that man fell unconscious, I looked at the other kids who stared at me in surprise. I searched the two unconscious men and found a keycard which could be for our collars. I tapped it on mine as my collar unlocked and fell off my neck. I grabbed the other keycard and tossed it to Juan. "Unlock yours and help me unlock the others," I ordered. Juan nodded and began doing as I said.

After everyone was out of their collars. We exited our holding room and looked around. We then hear an alarm going off.

"Alright, let's get the hell out of here."

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