Part 4, Chapter III

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I was walking in the streets of Arlington City. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled out my phone and saw that Claudia was calling me. I decided to answer and put my phone against my ear.

"Master Bang?" Asks Claudia.

"Hey, Claudia," I chuckle softly. "I know why you're calling—I'm sorry, but I'm probably not gonna be coming home."

"Master Bang, please..."

"I'm too deep in whatever conspiracy I've got caught into," I continued. "I can't stay too long; I don't know if they're listening or not."

"Bang, wait!-"

I hung up the phone call and smashed my phone into the wall of a building. I dropped the broken phone and continued walking.

After walking a couple of blocks now, I decided to go inside a nearby diner. When I went inside, I sat at the counter table.

"Need anything, kid?" Asked a blonde woman in her thirties. I looked at her and smiled softly.

"I'll have an omelet," I answered. The woman nods and left to cook me what I ordered. I look around the diner, getting a 90s feeling from the place.

I heard the ring of a bell when the door opened. I turned around and saw a man in a black uniform. His skin is white as snow, and he had a smirk on his face. I assumed he was an agent and looked away from him. The lady puts down a plate with an omelet in front of me as I thanked her. I felt the man sit next to me. "I'll have what the kid is having." The man says to the lady in a monotonous voice. The lady nodded and left to cook. I kept my eyes away from the man—but I felt his stare on me.

"Bang De Leon," the man states. "What are you doing in a place like this?" He asks.

"Who are you?" I questioned him. I looked at him and saw a smirk on his face.

"Director of CIA" He held his hand out to me to shake it. "Agent Washington."

"I could tell," I growled lowly, looking at the black suit he wore. "I know what you do."

The Man in Black sighs and looks at Bang. "Son, do you have any idea how many supers are born into this country?" He asked me, then began answering his question. "50 every two years."

"So, you take them and turn them into weapons?" I said angrily, but quietly—trying not to cause any attention.

"Would you rather see them grow up using their gifts for their selfish, villainous desires or use them to end a war?" He questions. When he asked me that, I fell silent.

"Can't answer, huh?" Agent Washington sighed as his omelet was ready. "All humans want is power, and when they are given power, they'll do whatever they want as long as it benefits themselves."

"There is good in everyone," I said to him. "No matter how selfish or cruel they become, I believe in redemption."

The Man in Black chuckles at me. "Your ideology is unrealistic," he continues. "You can't save men from their demons."

"What you're doing is wrong." I clenched my fist.

"No, Bang..." I yelped when I felt a sharp needle penetrate through my neck and felt something injecting inside of me. I look at the Man in Black, who is injecting the substance into me. "What I'm doing will bring peace."

I fell off my seat and onto the ground as I heard shrieks from the bystanders and heard yelling. I looked around as my vision became blurry until everything went black.

Time passes

"Bang, wake up." Says a five-year-old Cardo.

"You must get up, Master Bang." Says a younger Claudia. "You and your family are going out on a trip."

"Wake up, Bang!" My eyes shot open as I began hyperventilating. I felt my arms and legs in restraints as I look around the empty room. I was attached to some James Bond-style trap.

"Bang, are you awake?" Says a disembodied voice.

"Wha-what's going on?" I asked as I looked around, still tired.

"It's time for testing."

Karmen: Sorry about the short chapter XD Didn't know what else to put in here.

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