Part 3, Chapter III

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Karmen: Sorry we were offline for a long time. We were busy with school and stuff.

Grim: Sure, like you do any of your work.

Karmen: Anyways, let me know what you guys think of the chapter. I hope you enjoy it!

I started to gain consciousness again. When I opened my eyes, I could only see black. I'm blindfolded. I feel my wrists tied to some weird chain, which gives my skin a burning feeling for some reason. I guess I was kidnapped. I tried to teleport out of the situation but it didn't work. Was I not concentrated enough? Do I not have enough energy?

"Wondering why you can't use your powers, Bang?" Asked a masculine voice, I recognized.

"Who's there?!" I shouted, hoping for an answer.

"What?" I hear the man chuckle, "forgot who I am already?"

I growled at the voice. "Agent, whatever shit name your boss gave you," I spat at him, "where the hell am I?!"

The man took off the blindfold as I saw his pale face and grim smirk. I growled at him. "What are you gonna do to me?" I questioned him.

Camou chuckled softly. "Nothing," he answered. "I'm just waiting for reinforcements to arrive and pick you up."

I looked at the restraints tied around my hands, and to the chair, I sat on. "What is this?"

Camou shrugged at me. "Tobacco with Promethium maybe," he answered. "Probably other ingredients. But don't worry, it won't harm you, only deactivate your powers."

I struggled in the restraints, only to fail to break out of them again.

General Perspective
Location: Spokane Police Department.

"What?" Asked a police officer as he looked at Allison in confusion.

"My boyfriend was kidnapped!" She answered with distress.

The police officer raised a brow. "So... your boyfriend is Bang De Leon. The rich kid who can teleport... got kidnapped?" He asked.

"Yes!" Allison shouted.

"Can't he just teleport out of the situation?" The police officer asked.

"Why the hell would I be here if he did that?!"

"Ma'am, calm down." The officer said. Allison shot up and stomped out of the office. After she left the police department, she pulled her phone out of her pocket and started calling Claudia. Her call was finally answered.

Claudia: Hello, Ms. Walker.

Allison: Hey. Do you know where Bang is?

Claudia: I thought he is with you?

Allison: He was, but now he's gone!

Claudia: Oh my...

Claudia was distressed by this information.

Claudia: Did you tell the police?

Allison: I did, but the police here aren't like the ones back in Seattle.

Allison sighed as she clenched onto her phone.

Allison: Can you call me when you get anything from him?

Claudia: Yes, Ms. Walker.

Allison: Thank you.

Allison hung up and sighed to herself. "Guess I gotta do this myself for now."

Bang's POV

I watched Camou play with a pistol as he looked at me. "I've meant to ask," he said. I look at him with a raised brow.

"What?" I asked, becoming frustrated with his bullshit already.

"I've read the reports," he stated. "You discovered your powers at a young age, you used them constantly, blah blah blah."

"And your point is?"

"I expected, well... something illegal you'd do." He answered. This man is making no sense.

"Excuse me?"

"I don't know, maybe rob a bank. Whatever teenagers with powers would do nowadays," Camou shrugged. "It's just that all the abnormals I've seen taken away were always juvenile delinquents, always using their powers for their own selfish needs. But you... you're different."

I growled at him. If I could get out of these cuffs, I'd teleport to Australia to be away from him.

"Straight A student, goody-two-shoes, always following the rules like a bloody sheep in a shepherd's herd," he cocked his gun.

"Why do they want me?" I questioned the agent. Camou just laughed softly.

"Someone doesn't read many conspiracy theories," he chuckled. "We need an army of superhumans to fight the Afghanistan war."

"Didn't we stop fighting in that three years ago?" I questioned.

"Change of plans."

"Wouldn't the president know-"

"Screw the president," Camou spat. "The last thing we want is the media knowing about this."

"What if I run off again?" I questioned him.

"Then we'll catch you again. Unless the people of Black Vault Prison or Icarus Asylum catch you first."

Karmen: Short chapter again XD

Grim: It's fine, Karmen. Just make a plan first before writing next time.

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