Part 2: Vigilante (Chapter I)

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Karma: Here is part 2!

Grim: Check out our other stories as well.

I was walking downtown. I was in disguise. By disguise, I mean wearing a big ass jacket, fedora, and sunglasses. My outfit screams out 'suspicious.'

Some people gave me weird looks and tried avoiding me as I walked down the sidewalk. I looked around and forgot how busy the place is. Men and women are rushing to work, the homeless begging for spare change, and the young teenagers enjoying their spring break.

I walk down an alley to only see drunkards sleeping on the ground and homeless men sleeping in the garbage. As I kept walking down the alleyway, I saw a young girl wearing rags and sitting inside of a cardboard box. She looked up at me, and I felt pity for her. I reached in my pocket and gave her a one hundred dollar bill before walking away.

When I reached the end of the alley, I saw a brunette girl my age and a metallic blue Chevrolet Corvette Z06 waiting for me. She smiles at me.

"Hello again, Bang." She greeted.

I smile back. "Allison."

Allison is my girlfriend. We both go to the same high school.

"Nice Inspector Gadget costume." She said jokingly.

I chuckled and took off the sunglasses and fedora. "It's called a 'disguise.'" I corrected it.

Allison narrows her eyes then looks back at me. "Let's go?" She asked, opening the passenger door.

I nodded and walked towards the car and went inside before she closes the door.

Later, we're in a McDonalds. Allison and I are eating burgers. She looks at me.

"What is a multibillionaire like you doing downtown?" Allison asked.

"I heard there's a vigilante here in Seattle," I answered.

Allison's intimate look changes to a serious one, but she breaks it back to her friendly smile.

"You a reporter now or something?" She asks jokingly.

I give her a serious look this time. "This is serious, Allison." I continued. "The vigilante is a kid who is throwing his life away by murdering people," I whispered.

Allison gives me a smirk. "You care about everyone... even the punks at our school. That's another reason why I love you. You have compassion."

I smiled at her and took her hand that was about to reach for fries. She looks down at our hands that held together then looks up at me. She smiles and holds onto my hand tightly.

I looked behind her and saw two men in black suits sitting at a table near ours. I widen my eyes in surprise.


I look back at Allison, who has a concerned look on her face.

"Are you all right?" She asked with concern in her voice.

I hesitantly nodded. "Lets-lets go somewhere else," I said nervously.

I stood up from my seat and grabbed her as we walked out.

"Hey-hey!" Allison exclaimed as I pulled her with me out of the McDonalds. As we walked out of the restaurant, I turned around to see the men in black following us. I held her arm tightly and started sprinting.

"Bang! Why are we-" Before she choirs finish her sentence, I carried her in my arms as I ran faster. We both look back to see the men in black suits still chasing us. I took a sharp turn into the alley.

As we ran down the alley, I used my powers to teleport us in front of John's shop.

Allison looked like she was trying to suppress the urge to vomit.

"It's hard to get used to." She said sickly.

"I know... I thought you'd get used to it after the first eight times."

"Well, I lied." She sighs. She looks at the building in front of us. "Why are we here?"

"To hide you from the guys in suits," I answered as I grabbed her hand and walked inside with her.

"Can you explain what's going on?" Allison questions.

"Well, it seems like the government people noticed I have teleportation-"

"Probably because you keep using it." She interrupted.

I narrowed my eyes at her. We looked inside. Everything looks normal, except the pretty girl with silver hair in the middle of the shop; she's sweeping the floor with a broom. She looked at us and stood up straight.

"Hello, customers." She greeted.

I've never seen her before. Did John hire employees? No, he wouldn't hire anyone, especially someone this young-looking. She doesn't look that young; she does seem pretty mature.

John comes out from the backroom and sees us. "Hello, Bang. Allison."

Allison smiled and waved. I look at the silver-haired girl again.

"Who's she?" I asked him.

John turns to look at the silver-haired girl then turns back to me.

"This is Iroha... my apprentice." He answered. The way he said it sounded like he was lying.

"Sure..." I looked at Allison, who appeared to be talking to Iroha. I looked back at John. "Who is she?" I asked him quietly so Allison can't hear.

"She's an android I created." He answered.

My eyes widened. I look at Iroha then back at John. "Seriously?"

"You don't think I'm capable of doing such things?" He asked.

I sighed then shrugged. "Well... that is pretty cool." I chuckled. "Can you do me a favor?"


"Can Allison stay here for a while?" I requested. "I'm afraid the suit guys might come for her to get to me."

"Fine. But Allison's parents need to know."

"I'll figure that out."


It's midnight. It's quiet. Generally, after a few minutes, someone either cries for help, or you'll hear a gunshot or two.

While I was walking, a big guy walked towards me with a knife in his hand.

"Give me your wallet."

I raised my hands. "Hey, I don't want any trouble."

"Give me your wallet right goddamn now, or I gotta cut your thro-"

Before the mugger could finish his sentence, he has flipped over by a guy wearing a black trench coat and bandana. The masked man pulled out a gun and shot him in the leg. The mugger screamed in pain. I realized it was Black Bandana.

He turned around and looked at me. He starts running away. I start running after him also.

"Hey!" I shouted as I chased after him.

He pulls out what looked to be a grapple gun and shot it up a building. He grappled up to the building as I stopped running and just looked up at him.

"You gotta be kidding me..."

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