Part 4, Chapter II

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Karmen: Here's Chapter 2! I hope you enjoy and vote & comment on the chapter if you enjoyed it!

We were in waiting in the waiting room of a hospital. I was worried about Nolan and concerned about Allison. Ever since she shot Camou, she's been reticent.


"Don't talk to me," Allison interrupted. I would've tried to say something, but I stopped myself.

"Killing him saved you but got Nolan hurt," Allison says softly.

"Don't blame yourself," I consoled her. "You did what you had to do."

"Would you have found another way?" Allison asked. "To save everyone with getting anyone hurt?"

"I..." I was speechless when I heard her ask that. I look down at my feet.

"You'd always find a way, Bang," Allison says to me. "You always take the hard route because you believe it's the right route."

I look up to see Allison staring at me. "That's what I love about you," she gave me a soft smile, as I smiled back a little. I leaned my head towards her as I kissed her. I felt her come closer to me as we kissed passionately. I pulled away from the kiss as she looks at me.

"You need to finish this, Bang," Allison smiled at me. "Show them what you can do."

I smiled with determination as I still up. "Make sure Nolan recovers, babe," I saluted her before teleporting away.

Later, I appeared back in Spokane. I saw a few mysterious-looking people in suits walking around. They're still looking for me. I saw an agent walking alone and decided to follow him.

As I trailed the agent, he went into an alley. As I followed him, I got closer and grabbed him, pushing the agent into the alley walls. He tried to grab a weapon from his hip, but I stopped him grabbing his wrist and hitting his stomach with my knee before punching him across the face. I grabbed him by the collar and gave him a deadly glare.

"Who sent you?" I questioned the agent.  

The agent growls at me. "Eat shit, you damned brat!" I sent a punch into his stomach again.

"I don't have time for this," I grabbed him and teleported to the edge of a ten-story building. I pushed him off the building. I watched him fall and scream in horror. When he was getting closer to the ground, I teleported to him and grabbed him again before teleporting back on top of the building. I grabbed the agent by the collar and pushed his back onto the edge of the building.

"Tell me who it is or else next time, I'll let you fall," I threatened the agent. I don't like using these intimidation tactics, but it's easier to get the information I need.

"Shit, shit!" He shouts as he looks down from the edge of the roof. "OK! I'll tell you!"

I pulled him away from the edge and waited for an answer.

"He doesn't have an actual name I know about, but everyone calls him the Man in Black," he answers. I cross my arms at him.

"Everyone wears black in your agency," I scoffed.

"Yeah, no shit," he says as he looks around then looks back at me. "The guy is the one who's behind all of the kidnappings of kids, trying to create some army."

"Yeah, I already know that," I sighed. "Anything else?"

The agent sighs. "All the kidnapped kids are being kept somewhere in the pentagon," he answers. "That's all I know."

Kidnapping abnormal children for war. That's cruel. "You better find a new line of work," I said to him before teleporting away.

Later In the Pentagon

The Man in Black stood in his office, looking outside his window. An agent later barged in the office.

"Mr. Black!?" Shouted the agent. The Man in Black didn't bother to look back.

"Make any progress?" The Man in Black asked. The agent shook his head.

"No..." the agent says disappointedly. "One of our agents was confronted by the boy. He told him classified information."

The Man in Black grins softly. "Well, it looks like I have a reason to leave my office."

"Excuse me, sir?" The agent asks.

The Man in Black turned around and faced the agent with a playful smirk. "Get me my gun."

Karmen: Short Chapter again, we're getting close to ending this story. I hope you enjoyed it!

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