Chapter 2

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Hey guys! A round of applause to yours truly for getting two chapters in a week! (I really don't care that it's Sunday, my week starts on Monday!) On a more serious note, thanks to AlliyahAzlan and WebsterAT for leaving such lovely comments. I do try to make it as good as I can, even though it's my first fanfic. Now that I've left a sufficient Author Note (for now, more at the bottom) let's get on to this story! Oh, and I've picked this story up where Sophie is going home. Sorry if you wanted to read the detention, but SPOILERS she and Keefe got the rest of the week in detention also. Sorry again, but I wanted to get to Grady and Edaline.

     Sophie walks through the door of her house. "Hey Sophie! I made mallowmelt!" Her adoptive mother Edaline calls. "Coming!" Sophie calls. Just asking, have any of you made mallowmelt? I really want to! She fires off one last text to Biana, and goes into the kitchen, where Edaline has set out a plate of mallowmelt. "How was your day?" Edaline asks as Sophie gobbles up the delicious cake.

     "Well, I got detention, met this boy, squealed with Biana, sat through detention, got detention for the rest of the week because said  boy wouldn't stop talking, then came home." Sophie says quickly. "Detention, huh? Who is that boy?" "Burned the chem lab. That Boy is Keefe Sencen, from LA." "How're the friends?" "Good. Tam asked Biana out-that's what I was texting about, Linh and Dex are going out with them, I guess. Fitz hasn't found a girlfriend yet." "And Keefe?" "Don't know." "How're my girls?" Grady asks as he walks in from work. "Good. Sophie has a crush on a boy." "Who is said boy?" Grady asks suspiciously. "Keefe Sencen. Stop with the questions, guys. I sat through Biana's constant squealing today."

      "Okay Sophie. I'll call you when dinner is ready." Edaline says. Sophie heads up to her attic bedroom Well it is a whole floor all to herself. Once she gets there she pulls out the pictures of her old family, who died in a terrible fire. Sophie was at a friend's house, and survived. She was twelve. Her photo albums are the only thing she has to remember them. Her phone buzzes with more texts.  One stands out. The other person is underlined, Sophie is in italics. Yo Sophie it's Keefe. Keefe how did you get my number? Biana. Traitor So you didn't want my number? Biana's the traitor. I wanted your number.... Ah, the Foster rage begins. Ugh. C u tomorrow Keefe L8r Foster.;) 


     The next morning Sophie jumps out of bed. She rushes through breakfast, and bolts out the door. She arrives at school early, and waits by the entrance. "Hi Biana!" Sophie says. "Hey Soph. Wassup?" "Nothing much. You?" "Waiting for Fitzroy and his new friend who showed up and stayed overnight." "Who is it?" "I think you know him. Keefe Sencen? He was texting you after dinner. Apparently I'm a traitor for giving him your number." "Sorry. Oh, here they come now." 

     Fitz's teal truck pulls up between Biana's red convertible and Sophie's blue and white Mini Cooper. Fitz cuts the engine, and a split second later emerges with Keefe. "Yo guys." Keefe says, running his hand through his tousled blond hair. "Hey. I'm sorry for my texts last night. I was so tired." Sophie says. "No prob." Dex pulls up in his battered tan Ford. Linh and Tam follow in their sleek black Mercedes.

     The day passes. Detention happens and then it's time to go home. "Hey Foster, I have something to ask you. It's really important, and I meant to yesterday but we just met." "What is it, Keefe?" "I was wondering if....."

Sorry! I had to do that. But at least I posted a fairly long chapter. I know, cliffhangers suck, but I'll post again soon. Sorry for any spelling mistakes, I pounded this out and didn't edit very much. I promise the next one will be longer, even though this one was pretty long. I like it. Comment if you do! I'll update as soon as I can. I know I already said this, but comment if you like it! Bye guys!

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