When I was little my parents didn't really fight or anything they were like normal parents but as I got older they started to fight more and we moved alot but still remained in the same town we lived in a apartment when I was a baby and lived there for 7 years of my life when I turned 7 we moved into a trailer and lived there 5 years when I turned 11 we moved into a really big and pretty house it was a two story house and had an attack it's was my favorite place we ever lived then things got bad between my dad and his brother ( he lived across the street ) and we moved again we only lived there for about 4 months. Then we moved to my grandma's and lived there for a year my mom and my dad started getting into it alot and we lived in a camper at the time so it was annoying do u went and stayed in the house with my grandma, 2 uncle's, and my aunt I slept on the couch which was fine until I relised my grandma was half def and would Blair the TV when she came home at 11 pm from work it was hard to sleep. Well when I was at school I distanced ny self from everyone and sat alone at lunch with my headphones in and literally ignored everyone. I had many people come over to the table and offer me a seat at theyre table but I rejected I was like shy emo kid. I even had a table of preps offer me a seat at they're table and I told them I would rather die than sit with them. Until the end of 6th grade where I kinda became more social around people but only really a couple of people and that was my friend Jordan ( Izzylover2248 ) and my friend Daisy stuff kinda became easier bc I was starting to relise I wasn't the only one going through depression my friends were to. So I started talking to my counselor at school because at this time my parents were fighting even more and my mom wasn't getting along with my other Aunt that lived next door well I then moved in with my Best friend Audrey Openshaw I live with her for a while and then my dad and my aunt ( his sister ) got into it and we had to move again so we moved in with his brother and everything was fine until my parents split up and me and my mom went to California. My dad talked her into coming back so we moved again back to my Grandma's and stayed there well then my dad bought land in Kentucky and I had moved in with my best friend again we'll it hurt when he said we were moving again and so far away because from Kentucky to Indiana is a 7 hour drive well we moved 4 months later. Between my parents always fight when I was 12 I started cutting and my life just fell apart and moving didn't help my dad was always gone for about 2 months on and off he was going back in forth from Indiana to Kentucky and my mom got into fight with my Aunt ( that lived next door ) and they both went to jail my mom got out and we moved November 23 and we got the news my grandma had died on November 27. The day we left my parents told me to go in and love on my grandma and I already did so u said no then less than a week later she passed I miss her more than anything I wish I would have went back in to love on her. I miss my best friend so much but because her mom and my mom are friends and we go back to Indiana I get to see her sometimes but she isn't just a friend she like my sister. Idk why I'm telling you guys this but I guess I just needed to tell someone but during school I was the lonley emo kid I sat alone at lunch and started starving myself. I had no friends besides Audrey. I'm now 13 and live in Kentucky I no longer starve myself and I no longer cut but I'm still depressed I'm also now homeschooled and it fucking sucks I also have no actual friends down here but I guess I will be ok. Black Veil Brides is the only thing that I held on to and they are the reason I stopped cutting and the reason I'm still alive so next time you go to say a band is stupid think of someone like me that band could be the reason someone else is alive and I owe my life bvb if I ever meet them I don't know what I would day but I do know I would thank them for everything they have done for me and everything they have done for everyone else just like me.
Thanks for listening cuz no one else will no one else ever does all this happened then I meet Kinky_Loser and I couldn't be happier : )
*Plz don't think I made any of this up because everything in this is true and has really happened to me*